Factorio main bus guide - Blueprint, design, alternative and more important details



In Factorio, having a main bus is an advantage, however it must be well-designed to make sure that it could be used properly and efficiently.

It includes all the methods you need to take the designs and blueprints from the beginning on constructing your main bus, all the way up to using it to gain the advantage.

There's a lot to consider when building a main bus. But when you discover the most important ones, you'll eventually have a grasp on it.

With that, here's a main bus guide for Factorio, including the blueprint, designs, as well as alternatives and other important details.

Main bus blueprint

The Steam Community of Rust shared some insights on how to design and build your main bus.

First of all, you'll need to think of the best area in where to put it. Once you've decided, proceed with collecting all the resources necessary to construct your main bus. Here is a checklist of those:

  • Iron Plates x4 (recommend x8)
  • Copper Plates x4 (recommend x8)
  • Steel Plates x1 (recommend x2)
  • Green Circuits x2 (recommend x4)
  • Red Circuits (Advanced Circuits) x1 (recommend x2)
  • Blue Circuits (Processing Units) x1
  • Plastic x1 (recommend x2)
  • Batteries x1
  • Stone Bricks + Stone x1
  • Coal x1
  • Lubricant (via pipe)
  • Sulfuric Acid (via pipe)

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Main bus blueprint design

There are numerous main bus blueprint designs you can choose from and use when in a match.

One of the most notable designs include the use of conveyor belts. These are being used to transport items and put some of it in the centre spot (which is the main purpose of a main bus).

It will just depend on you on which design you would do as long as the conveyor belt is included.

For more main bus blueprint design options, click here.

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Main bus alternatives and more important details

Although a main bus can give you a huge advantage, it's still up to you if you want to use it.

One of the most popular alternatives is the modular outposts. Once you can expand them in Factorio, you may put one of the green and red circuit builds each, alongside the blue processors, modules, science, and steel smelting.

Provide all of their own modular factories and feed them with trains, and merely replace a certain part of the build once it runs out.

Maintaining a main bus would require you a lot of effort and time to do it, including re-balancing your belts. But hey, if it can give you some form of advantage, then why not try to do it?