Even Microsoft is getting the Xbox One X and Xbox Series X names mixed up

It's been something of a talking point in the gaming world recently - the fact that 'Xbox One X' and 'Xbox Series X' are incredibly similar names for two totally different games consoles.

As anyone that has been paying attention could tell you, though, they are completely separate devices: the Xbox One X is the high-end option from Microsoft's current-gen stable, and the Xbox Series X is the flagship monolith at the head of its next-gen range.

However, even when you know what the difference is, it's easy to slip up and get the names mixed up: just like how your mother might say all of your siblings' names before getting to the right one for you.

And now, it seems that even Microsoft's marketing people can't keep track of these console names...

Microsoft makes a mess of its own console names

The Verge's Senior Editor Tom Warren has spotted a big Microsoft typo in an official Xbox Wire blog post, and you can see it right here...

At the time of this article being written, the typo has not yet been corrected in the original blog. And so, Microsoft has made a hash of its own console names, which proves just how tricky these monikers can be!

And that's before you even factor in the Xbox One S and Xbox Series S, which are, of course, also totally different things. They're both the cheaper option in their respective range.

Say what you will about Sony, at least the PlayStation consoles - with their big, prominent numbers in the name - are easy to tell apart!

READ MORE:Xbox Series X vs PS5 controller comparison

Where to pre-order the Xbox Series X

Pre-orders have opened for the Xbox Series X and the Xbox Series S, which means customers are now able to carefully place their orders for next-gen consoles - we hope that most people are double-checking, at every stage, that they aren't accidentally buying an Xbox One X or Xbox One S.

Right now, we are seeing live product pages on Argos for the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X consoles - you can click either of those links to see them!

There is also a live product page for the Xbox Series X on Amazon - you can click here to check it out. And there's an Amazon page for the Xbox Series S here. It's worth noting that the Xbox Series S seems much easier to find than the Xbox Series X right now.

You could also check out the pre-order listing on the official Microsoft Store in the US here, or here if you're in the UK.

Just make sure you buy a console with 'Series' in the name, rather than 'One', if you want one of the new ones!

BUY NOW:Xbox Series X product page is live on Amazon