How to fix the Instagram error feedback required login issue

Error feedback required Instagram - how to fix the Instagram login issue

Error feedback required Instagram - how to fix the Instagram login issue

If Instagram keeps saying error feedback required while trying to log in to your account, there are a few fixes that you can try.

A lot of Instagram users have been complaining about being locked out of their accounts because of the feedback required error. In some cases, users thought Instagram deleted their accounts for no reason.

Luckily, there are a variety of solutions that can help you to resolve the issue and we are going to explain them all in this guide. So, let's get started!

What does error feedback required mean on Instagram?

A phone app displaying the Instagram app
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Credit: Instagram
Get this pesky error fixed

"Error feedback_required" on Instagram means that there's an issue with the action being performed, and additional information is needed from the user to resolve it. It typically indicates a potential issue with account security or suspicious activity.

When you receive the "feedback_required" error message on Instagram, your IP address will be banned as a security measure. Typically, the feedback required error on Instagram last for 24 hours, but it could also take longer than that.

In a way, the feedback required error is similar to the "Please wait a few minutes before you try again" error on Instagram where Instagram temporarily blocks your access to the site for performing a similar action too many times in a short period of time.

In both cases, Instagram blocks your IP address only not your account from accessing Instagram servers. That means you can get around the feedback required error by using a different IP address.

How to fix Instagram error feedback required

As we mentioned in the previous section, you can fix the feedback required error on Instagram by changing your IP address. In fact, this person was able to fix the issue by doing so.

There are many ways to change your IP address and we will explain all of them below. So, here are our suggestions to fix the error feedback required on Instagram:

  • Try accessing Instagram from a different device.
  • Switch your network. If you are connected to WiFi, switch to mobile data.
  • A convenient and quickest way to change your IP address is to use a VPN. We recommend you use the best VPN available.
  • Updating the app fixed the issue for some users. If you don't see any updates, we recommend you uninstall and reinstall the app.

Hopefully, one of our suggestions will work for you. If none of the methods works for you, you should contact Instagram Support and ask for help. But in most cases, the fixes we outlined here should be enough.

Now that the error feedback required on Instagram is fixed (hopefully), have a look at other Instagram guides such as how to turn off suggested posts on Instagram and how to see the exact time of an Instagram post.