The Epic Mega Sale is here and it's, well, epic. The Epic Games Store might not be the most well-optimised, but they sure know how to throw a party and do excellent goodie bags too.
They've given away a huge amount of games so far, and it's worth having the storefront installed just for those, but the sales are also rather exceptional.
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There are loads of big games on sale, like The Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2, but this is also a great chance to pick up a game you might not have considered worth your time too.
So, here are some of the best Epic Store deals for you to add to your backlog.
Best deals in the Epic Mega Sale
Let's just get into this. Control, the excellently strange game from Remedy, is only £23.99 at the moment.
If you like your shooters significantly less weird, then Borderlands 3 is only £24.99, which plays better than any other Borderlands, but lacks some of the heart of its predecessors.
Metro Exodus is £17.49, and it's bloody brilliant, so well worth that price. Tetris Effect is only £22.39, and it's the best Tetris game in existence, which is saying something.
In decidedly more indie waters you've got Cardpocalypse, and excellent card-game RPG, for only £13.99, and the mind-bending Superliminal for £12.15.
Finally, in Ubisoft sales specifically, the best Assassin's Creed game, Odyssey, is only £16,49. Also, it might be the best possible time to pick up Ghost Recon Breakpoint for only £16.49 too, it recently introduced an immersive mode which makes it a really fun tactical shooter.
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How to get an Epic Coupon
All of those prices are good of course, but what if I told you that you can knock £10 off of most of them? Well, you can. You can redeem a £10 Epic Coupon on any game over £14.99.
Even better, if you use an Epic Coupon, you get another Epic Coupon. So, you can save yourself even more money by using them.
The coupon last until November too, so it's worth clicking over to the Epic Games Store just to grab one while you can.
The sale itself lasts until June 11th, so you've still got time to make the most of this. Oh, and GTA 5 is still free, so grab that quickly before that deal dies!
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