Dragon Ball Legends error codes and fixes

Dragon Ball Legends error codes and fixes

Dragon Ball Legends error codes and fixes

Welcome to our article on Dragon Ball Legends error codes and fixes!

If you're a fan of the popular mobile game Dragon Ball Legends, you may have encountered some frustrating error codes during your gameplay. These error codes can range from minor inconveniences to major game-breaking issues that prevent you from progressing further.

In this article, we'll be exploring some of the most common Dragon Ball Legends error codes and providing you with simple and effective fixes to get you back in the game.

Dragon Ball Legends error codes and fixes

Errors in games like Dragon Ball Legends can be incredibly disruptive to gameplay. Whether you're experiencing crashes, connectivity issues, or other errors, it can cause frustration and make your gaming experience less than enjoyable.

That's where our comprehensive list of common errors and their potential solutions come in handy.

  • CR990504: It means the game is not able to communicate properly with the servers due to network issues. You can try fixing this error code by disabling the data saver feature on your phone (if you are using mobile data) or switching to a different network.
  • NC009999: It also indicates a network issue. You can try switching from Wi-Fi to mobile data or vice versa, or updating your app to fix this error code.
  • CR901006: This error code means your account was transferred to another device. Here, the only permanent fix is to reinstall the game and then re-transfer your account.
  • CR901004: It is yet another communication error. Luckily, you can fix this error code by changing to Cloudflare DNS.
  • AP100000: This is an account payment authentication/authorization error. Removing all your payment methods from all the devices and then adding them back will fix the error.
  • TK201003-0002: This error occurs when you attempt to transfer your account while by inputting incorrect social media account information (Google, Facebook, or Twitter). So double-check that the social media account information you've registered for data transfers is accurate.

Those are some of the common Dragon Ball Legends error codes and their potential fixes.

So next time you encounter an error in the game, don't worry. Instead of spending hours researching potential solutions or contacting customer support, consult this guide and you'll be back in the game in no time.

We will add new errors and their solutions to this guide as we become aware of them, so be sure to check back regularly for updates. We also have a similar guide on Counter-Strike 2 errors and Dead Island 2 errors, in case you encounter issues while playing that game.