Dolby Vision feature rolling out to Xbox beta testers

Xbox Series S and X owners enrolled in the alpha testing program reported seeing the addition of Dolby Vision for some titles.

Microsoft announced last year that it would bring Dolby Visions; impressive HDR imaging technology to Xbox Series S and X, and it would seem that the feature is likely to roll out soon.

This feature will arrive alongside the Xbox’s existing auto-HDR feature, which automatically adds HDR to older Xbox games. 

The feature is currently still in testing, so there’s no further news on when players can expect to see it release.

Dolby Vision

Dolby Vision is a proprietary, dynamic HDR format developed exclusively by Dolby Labs. Unlike other HDR technologies, Dolby Vision adjusts the picture scene-by-scene, automatically adjusting every frame to ensure more detail and accurate colour presentation.

It also boasts some other fantastic features, such as providing maximum picture brightening of up to 10,000 nits - which is 10 times the amount of HDR10. 

To develop content for Vision, creators need to meet a strict set of guidelines, ensuring content taking advantage of the technology adhered to a certain quality. 

Xbox Series S and X

Testers have confirmed that Vision currently works with four titles; Borderlands 3, Gears 5, Wreckfest and Halo Master Chief Collection.

Responding to a query from Forbes, Microsoft commented on the alpha leak: “As we announced last year, we’re excited to be bringing Dolby Vision support for gaming to our new Xbox consoles in 2021.”

Microsoft added: “The feature is currently in testing and we’ll have more to announce on general availability timing and functionality soon.” 

Unlike auto-HDR, Dolby Vision needs to be built into a game’s code. This is why the feature is currently limited to those four titles. 

When it does release, Dolby Vision will probably be compatible with only a limited number of games. Fortunately, new releases in the future will likely have compatibility coded in. 

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