Discord stuck on checking for updates - fix the update loop

Discord stuck on checking for updates - An image of the Discord logo

Discord stuck on checking for updates - An image of the Discord logo

If your Discord is stuck on the "checking for updates" screen, this guide will help you break free from the update loop.

Discord is undeniably a fantastic application for streaming and communication, but it's not immune to technical hiccups. From server errors to sound issues and the issue at hand, there's a gamut of frustrating challenges that Discord users may encounter along the way.

In this guide, we'll walk you through a series of solutions to resolve the Discord stuck on checking for updates issue and get your app up and running smoothly again.

How to fix the Discord stuck on checking for updates issue

To fix the Discord stuck on checking for updates issue, go to Settings > Network and Internet > Proxy and then turn "Use a Proxy" off. Reddit users have reported that this solution effectively resolves the update loop.

If the problem persists, here are some additional troubleshooting tips to fix the Discord update loop:

  • Temporarily disable your firewall or antivirus software, as suggested by this Reddit user.
  • Make sure that Discord servers are not down right now.
  • Try changing your DNS settings to use a different DNS server (e.g., Google's DNS or Cloudflare's DNS).
  • Uninstall Discord, delete any leftover files, and then reinstall it to ensure a clean installation.

If you've tried all of these solutions and still encounter the issue, you may want to contact Discord's support for further assistance, as it could be a less common or more specific problem that requires their expertise to resolve.

Why is Discord stuck on checking for updates?

Discord can get stuck on the "checking for updates" screen due to various reasons, including network issues, temporary server issues, and even proxy settings.

In addition, overly aggressive firewall or antivirus software can sometimes block Discord from accessing its update servers. Moreover, Discord's files can become corrupted over time, leading to update problems.

The suggestions we've outlined here should provide you with effective solutions to resolve the issue. Once you are back on the platform, make sure you try out the new feature that allows you to stream games from Xbox to Discord.