How to disable crossplay on Modern Warfare 2 PlayStation, Xbox and PC

How to disable crossplay on Modern Warfare 2 PlayStation, Xbox and PC | Soldiers with guns

How to disable crossplay on Modern Warfare 2 PlayStation, Xbox and PC | Soldiers with guns

Looking for ways to disable Modern Warfare 2 crossplay on PC, Xbox and PlayStation? We've got you covered!

There are many reasons why you might want to disable crossplay in Modern Warfare 2. If you are a console gamer, you may want to avoid PC players using a keyboard and mouse or maybe cheaters and hackers.

On the flip side, if you are a PC gamer, you may want to avoid console players who have accuracy-boosting aim assist. You might also need to disable crossplay when you are hit by the error code Clark Monterey or the friends list not working issue.

Whatever your reasons for disabling crossplay, follow the below steps to turn it off.

How to turn off Modern Warfare 2 crossplay on PlayStation

For PlayStation owners, disabling Modern Warfare 2 crossplay is as easy as 123. It appears, the toggle to turn crossplay on or off is exclusive to PlayStation players - Xbox and PC versions of MW2 are missing this function.

Anyway, here is how you can enable or disable the feature on your PS4 or PS5:

  • First, head into the Settings menu.
  • Now navigate to the Account and Network section.
  • Under the Online header, you will find Crossplay; turn it off.

Easy, right? If the need to play with a friend on another platform arises or you find your matchmaking wait time is taking a bit longer, you can turn crossplay back on by taking the same steps but turn the toggle on at the end.

How to turn off Modern Warfare 2 crossplay on Xbox

Xbox doesn't have an in-game option for this. However, you can disable the crossplay functionality at the system level by going into your settings. Keep in mind that it will disable crossplay in all games on your Xbox, not only Modern Warfare 2.

To disable Modern Warfare 2 crossplay on Xbox, here is what you need to do:

  • First, go to the dashboard and press the Xbox button
  • Now you can select Settings
  • Then select Online Safety and Family
  • Next, select Privacy and Online Safety
  • Open Xbox Privacy
  • Select View Details and Customise
  • Now Communication and Multiplayer
  • Finally, use the You can join cross-network play section and switch it to Block

Once crossplay is disabled, you’ll only matchmake against players on your native platform. There is a downside to this, however. Turning off crossplay may increase your matchmaking times as the number of active players on your native platform can be limited.

How to turn off crossplay Modern Warfare 2 PC

PC gamers are out of luck as there is no option to disable crossplay Modern Warfare 2 on the PC version. It means PC players cannot avoid the auto-aim used by console players in Modern Warfare 2.

There have many complaints on Reddit about the developers denying basic functionality on the Modern Warfare 2 PC and Xbox versions. To make it an option on one platform is a strange decision.

Whether or not the option to change crossplay settings will come on PC and Xbox is still unclear. We hope that the developers will listen to the outcry of the players and will add the option to turn off crossplay.

Since you are here, have a look at other helpful MW2 guides such as how to fix high ping in MW2 and how to fix lag in Modern Warfare 2.