Play Warzone like Diegosaurs: how to match the pro streamer's loadout, set-up, peripherals, settings, button mapping, keyboard binds and more

Playing Warzone is easy when you're really good at it and don't die a lot. It's not as easy when you're playing with a magnetic face and wearing a loud neon jumpsuit.

So, before you find out how to play Warzone like Diegosaurs, maybe take off the jumpsuit first and put down the speaker system in your pants.

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If you want to get better, it's a good idea to imitate those who do well, and so, we're here to help you out.

So, here's what you need to know to play Call of Duty: Warzone like Diegosaurs, and tear it up like someone who is basically a dinosaur.

Diegosaurs Warzone Loadout

Diegosaurs loadout is hard to lockdown, but the stats over at CoD Tracker show that he's very good with the M4A1.

It's likely that even if he doesn't use specific loadouts, that he favours this weapon, and if so, probably uses the Monolithic Suppressor Muzzle, the Stock M16 Grenadier Barrel, the Operator Reflex Sight Optic, 60 Round Mags Ammunition, and Commando Foregrip Underbarrell attachments.

He's also got a lot of kills with the MP5, which can be set up in a lot of ways, but one of the popular ones uses the Subsonic Integral Suppressor Barrel, the Classic Straight-Line Stock Stock, the Stippled Grip Tape Rear Grip, the 45-Round Mags Ammunition, and the Commando Foregrip Underbarrel attachments.

READ MORE:Play Warzone like Nadeshot

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Diegosaurs Warzone Button Mappings

According to Best Gaming Settings, these are Diegosaurs Warzone button mappings.

  • Reload: R
  • Crouch: C
  • Prone: Left Ctrl
  • Jump/Mantle: Space
  • Use/Interact: E
  • Sprint/Steady Aim: Left Shift
  • Toggle Camera: V
  • Toggle Firing Mode: B
  • Melee: Mouse Button 4
  • Auto Run: H
  • Map: M
  • Scoreboard/Inventory: Tab
  • Aim Down Sight: Right Mouse Button
  • Armour Plate: 4
  • Lethal Equipment: G/ Middle Mouse Button
  • Tactical Equipment: Q
  • Field Upgrade: X
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Diegosaurs Warzone Tech Set-up

According to Pro Settings, Diegosaurs uses some top-tier tech! You can click any of these next links to jump away to a product page and consider making a purchase.

Diegosaurs apparently uses the Viewsonic XG2560 monitor, and the goes all-in on some excellent Logitech pieces.

He uses the Logitech G Pro Wireless TSM Edition gaming mouse on top of a Logitech G640 TSM Edition mouse mat.

Next to that is the Logitech G513 keyboard, and he listens to all his foes running away using the Logitech G Pro X headset.

READ MORE:Play Warzone like CouRageJD