Diablo is finally adding a brand-new character class to one of its games but it’s not the one players were hoping for. Rather than add this new class in the recently-released Diablo 4, players can only access it when playing the controversial Diablo Immortal.
The new character class we’re talking about is Blood Knight, which looks like it came straight out of Castlevania. Based on the gameplay trailer alone, this character class looks really sick and has some fun attacks. Having a transformation also helps this class stand out and we wish it were available in another game.
Seeing the Blood Knight in action is really impressive, as we see it slaughtering a bunch of enemies with ease. Granted, a lot of the characters can do it, but seeing its unique powers in action is really cool.
While some would argue that Diablo Immortal isn’t a “Bad” game, it’s definitely a corrupt and greedy one. Fans are aware of how long it takes to unlock some of the in-game goodies and it takes too much time. Obviously, some players will pay their way to those rewards but that’s what the companies want.
It seems that the Blood Knight is exclusive to the mobile game, which is a bit sad but that’s just life. Since Immortal isn’t a mainline game in the series it can do more experimental things like this. Hopefully, the fourth game can introduce interesting concepts like this in the future.
Obviously, Diablo 4 is still going to be supported by Activision Blizzard, with plans to support the game for a long time. Familiar character classes will likely be brought back to enhance the game’s replayability but we’re not sure if a Blood Knight will be one of them. At the least, fans can still enjoy classic hack-and-slash gameplay with awesome visuals.
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Diablo Immortal is now available on mobile devices and PC, through Battle.net. Diablo 4 is also available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC.