Diablo 4 DDoS attack proves that the game needs an offline mode

diablo 4 ddos attack proves that the game needs an offline mode
Credit: Activision Blizzard

diablo 4 ddos attack proves that the game needs an offline mode
Credit: Activision Blizzard

A recent DDoS attack on Diablo 4 proves that Blizzard’s action RPG needs an offline mode so people can keep playing. While multiplayer and seasons are a major part of the game, fans should be able to enjoy slashing enemies offline during single-player.

Blizzard confirmed that there was a DDoS attack on their services, not letting players log-in to various games. On social media, the gaming giant confirmed that they were still actively monitoring this issue with no timetable on things getting better.

Thankfully, the issue has been resolved, and players should be able to log into Diablo 4 again. Considering how addicting it can be to get loot and slash enemies, we’re sure some fans got anxious waiting.

“The DDOS attacks that we were monitoring have ended,” Blizzard quickly stated.

Still, there’s always a chance that another DDoS attack or server issue can affect this game again. It’s the major factor affecting all online games, which is why an offline mode is badly needed. Diablo 3 eventually got one by the time it came out on console and we hope its successor gets one sometime in the future.

Many players were worried when it was announced that the game would constantly need internet, even when playing solo. While some of those fears did go away after the impressive beta tests, many were hoping one would eventually be added. Now that the game has gone and suffered its first DDoS attack, the argument for an offline mode grows stronger.

Playing the game offline would allow players to avoid interacting with people and immediately get into the dungeon grind. Considering how many players like to go at this game solo anyways, this should have been a day one addition. Sure, multiplayer for the post-game is pretty common but that doesn’t mean offline play shouldn’t come to the game.

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Hopefully, this experience leads to Blizzard patching in an offline mode for Diablo 4. This option is readily available in Diablo 2: Resurrected and Diablo 3, so it should also be in the newest game.