How to fix Diablo 4 authentication error

How to fix Diablo 4 authentication error - Picture of Lilith
Credit: Diablo 4

How to fix Diablo 4 authentication error - Picture of Lilith
Credit: Diablo 4

Now that Diablo 4 is officially launched, many players are still wondering how to fix the Diablo 4 authentication error.

The authentication error is notorious for stopping players from enjoying Diablo 4. Aside from the authentication error, error code 395002 and error code 34202 are other common Diablo 4 errors that are plaguing the players.

In this article, we'll guide you through what to do when confronted with the Diablo 4 authentication error.

What is Diablo 4 authentication error?

The Diablo 4 authentication error is related to connectivity issues and server overcrowding.

Players have encountered the Diablo 4 authentication error during the Beta, and some of them are still facing the error during the full release, around June 5, 2023. The errors have commonly appeared on PC, PS4, and PS5.

Fortunately, the Diablo 4 authentication error is not permanent. It can be fixed by applying some easy solutions.

Why am I queued in Diablo 4 lobby?

The Diablo 4 queue system is designed to handle the influx of players who are excited to play the game. Without the queue system, servers might get overloaded, leading into massive slowdowns and crashes.

Since Diablo 4 is a much-awaited game, it is expected to have thousands of players at any given moment. Therefore, the queue system is needed to give everyone a fair chance in entering Diablo 4 servers.

The Diablo 4 queue system works by locking out some players while allowing others to enter the game. This lock-out mechanism works like a rotation to keep the whole system fair and stable.

How to fix Diablo 4 authentication error?

There are different ways to fix Diablo 4's authentication error, and all of them are not too technical.

Here are the methods for fixing the Diablo 4 authentication error:

  • Close down other apps or programs running in the background. Diablo 4 is an intensive game, and it needs a huge pool of memory and bandwidth to run properly.
  • Check the Diablo 4 server status to know if there's downtime or scheduled maintenance.
  • Re-login to your account. Perhaps the client has encountered a glitch related to your account, and it can be fixed by re-logging your username and password.
  • Restart your client. If the client is stuck, simply terminate it using the Task Manager.
  • Close Diablo 4 immediately, and then download any game from the PS+ catalogue. After downloading the game, open Diablo 4 and enter the queue again.

It's important to be patient during the early stages of Diablo 4's global release. In the coming weeks, Blizzard might release new patches and hotfixes to deal with Diablo 4 authentication error and other bugs.