Detective Pikachu movie sequel: Here's what we know about Detective Pikachu 2's release date, trailer, cast and more

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With the excellent Detective Pikachu just a fond memory at this point, a lot of people are wondering about a sequel.

After all, there's no way a successful movie would just be a movie on its own, oh no, you've got to make sure you see that franchise live far longer than any of us now.

Well, the good news is that we know a little bit about Detective Pikachu 2, and we've decided to make an article just to keep you up to date with everything we learn as well learn it.

So, here's what you need to know about Detective Pikachu 2.

Detective Pikachu 2 trailer

While a sequel does seem to be in the works, there's no sign of a trailer just yet.

The chances are that even if things were meant to proceed this year they haven't due to COVID-19.

Things might be starting up in secret again, but we don't know for sure at the moment.

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Detective Pikachu 2 release date

As we've already mentioned, without more information on the project we can't know for sure when it'll come out.

We can make an educated guess though, and we'd be surprised to see it before 2022 at this point. With no more information available on the film, the chances are that it's still very early in development, and that means we've got a while to wait.

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Detective Pikachu 2 cast

So, we know a couple of things about the cast and crew of Detective Pikachu 2.

For starters, Oren Uziel, who worked on both the Sonic the Hedgehog movie (surprisingly good) and the Men in Black: International movie, will be writing a script for Detective Pikachu 2.

We also know that both Justice Smith and Ryan Reynolds will be back on the cast as well.

Everything else is a secret at the moment, but we're going to keep this updated to keep you updated.

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