Deathloop Error 0xC0000005 Access Violation: How To Fix Error Code 0xC0000005 And Stop Deathloop Crashing

If you have already had the opportunity to sample the delights of Deathloop, you may also have suffered the misfortune of DeathloopError 0xC0000005. This is a fairly prominent error that has been causing the game to crash, leaving players scratching their heads in befuddlement, bemusement, and other things beginning with B.

In an effort to break you out of that alphabet-related hell, we've come up with a guide on how best to fix Error Code 0xC0000005. Follow these tips, and hopefully you'll be back discovering the world of Deathloop. Brilliant.

How To Fix Error Code 0xC0000005 And Stop Deathloop Crashing

The error appears to be very closely linked to VSync. It seems to be most prevalent for players who have enabled VSync, but can still effect players, even if they have disabled VSync. Apparently, the solution requires players to amend setting both in-game, and within the graphics card settings themselves.

If you are using an NVIDIA GeForce card:

  • Go to NVIDIA Control Panel
  • Next, select the Manage 3D Settings menu
  • Go to the Global Settings tab, select Max Frame Rate and set it at 60
  • Go to the Program Settings tab
  • Select Deathloop.exe from the list of programs
  • Set Preferred Refresh Rate to Highest Available
  • Set Vertical Sync to ON

If you have an AMD Radeon graphics card:

  • Open the AMD Adrenalin application
  • Next, go to the Gaming tab
  • Select the Global Graphics menu
  • Click on the Radeon Chill feature
  • Set the maximum FPS to 60
  • Finally, set Vertical Refresh to Always On

The final step is start Deathloop, and from the game settings, make the following adjustments:

  • Go to Options
  • Find the Visuals tab
  • In VSync, make sure it is turned Off
  • Finally, in the FPS Limiter, set it to 120

If you are still having problems after trying these adjustments, then make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements of the game. Assuming you have the right hardware, if you are still having problems, then reach out to Bethesda for additional support.

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What is VSync?

VSync, also known as vertical sync is a graphics technology designed to synch the frame rate of a game, with the refresh rate of the monitor it's being played on. This would, for example, slow down the frame rate in order to avoid screen tearing.

Screen tearing is when the images on the game don't line up properly, so for example a doorframe or a tree trunk won't sit where they should. This is because the screen is showing multiple frames at the same time. VSync is intended to alleviate this problem. It matches the frame rate of the graphics card to the monitor refresh rate. It can sometimes slow the frame rate too much though, causing stuttering and lag problems.

Hopefully, the adjustments we've suggested above, will remedy your VSync issues, and you won't have to deal with this error code anymore.

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