Crusader Kings 2 console commands - all the cheats you need

Crusader Kings 2 console commands battle in france

Crusader Kings 2 console commands battle in france

This classic strategy game from Paradox Interactive offers a lot of gameplay for all fans of the genre. But, what if you’ve been having a difficult time and need some help? You’d need to enter some cheats and in order to do that, we need to tell you all about Crusader Kings 2 console commands and how they work.

There are other great strategy games from the company, such as the upcoming Cities Skylines II which has seen fans worried about its system requirements and excited about a massive transportation system.

But what if you want to have an easier time playing? Then let’s take a look at the Crusader Kings 2 console commands and how to use them.

What are Crusader Kings 2 console commands?

This is a list of all the most useful Crusader Kings 2 console commands cheats:

Console Command
Cheat description
Buildings will be finished within a day.
Toggles 'fog of war'.
You can marry anyone.
succ <succession type>
Changes succession laws.
Allows you to change laws freely. Only works on crown laws.
Instantly gives you 1,000 techpoints.
infamy <amount>
Use it to reduce your threat level of the desired amount
cash <amount>
Gives you instant gold. If you don't specify any amount it will default to 5000.
prestige <amount>
Gives you instant prestige. If you don't specify any amount it will default to 5000.
event 500
Call the “royal dues event”, letting you choose between money and prestige.
piety <amount>
Gives you instant piety. If you don't specify any amount it will default to 5000.

Keep in mind that cheats cannot always be inserted. For example, if you are playing in Ironman mode they are disabled by default. Even calling up the console won’t enable you to use them when in that mode. Also, they might change with future patches.

How to enter the console in Crusader Kings 2

It is relatively simple to enter the console, as there are two ways to go about it. On your keyboard, you need to enter either the grave accent or backtick, or alternatively the section sign.

The backtick is located to the left of the 1 on US keyboards. Alternatively, you can use ALT + 126 to make it. For the section sign, there are various methods if you can’t find it in your keyboard. On most international keyboards, the sign section can be made by pressing ALT + 21, alternatively on Windows you can use ALT and the keypad numbers two and one.

That’s all you need to know about the console commands in Crusader Kings 2. For more information on cheats in games, check out our guides on the best BattleBit remastered cheat codes.