How to connect your PS4 controller to a Windows 10 PC

Gaming on a PC is a wonderful and euphoric experience when you're in the thick of it.

There are custom setting for days, you can window the game and still be sad on Twitter at the same time, and you can connect any damn controller you want.

That's why you might want to know how to connect your PS4 controller to a Windows 10 PC, it'll make your gaming even more comfortable than it was before. Hoorah!

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How to connect your PS4 controller to a PC

A lot of people own more than one gaming platform, and for the most part, it tends to be two platforms that offer different exclusives or experiences.

As such, there are a lot of people out there who own both a PS4 and a PC (and maybe a Switch for good measure).

That means there are also a lot of people out there who want to use their PS4 controllers on PC, and that's where we come in.

So, first things first, you can actually connect your PS4 to your PC using the USB cable. Better yet, it will automatically work with most Steam games that support a controller.

Just be aware that the gyro in the controller can sometimes lead to some very unfortunate camera movements.

If you want to use your PS4 controller on your PC in general, then you can do so by downloading the DS4Windows tool. It works by tricking your computer into thinking you're using an Xbox 360 controller, which means it'll work pretty much everywhere.

It also allows you to set up different profiles and switch between them, and even do fun stuff with the colours on your controller. It's a really great tool, and the ability to use a PS4 controller on PC so easily shouldn't be underestimated.

Just download the tool, open up the file and let it install and it'll let you know as soon as it's ready to go.

You'll need to have it running for it to work though, so don't be too perplexed if your controller stops working if you close down DS4Windows, that's kind of how it works.

You can use Bluetooth to connect the controller to your PC at this point, but if you use a USB cable then the controller will stay fully charged at all times too, which is a nice bonus.

Read more: Everything you need to know about the PS5