Civ 6 new update: Vietnam and Kublai Khan Pack announced as January update! Plus more Civilisation VI news for 2020!

Civilisation 6 is a game that just keeps on growing. Much like the civilisations in the actual game, it just keeps on getting bigger.

Thanks to a constant slew of updates, DLC, and patches, the game feels like a new game nearly every single month.

It's a hard thing to keep up with if you only dip into it here and there for a quick (not quick) strategy fix.

Following November's Babylon Pack release, the developers have now revealed what's in store for the Frontier Pass's penultimate pack, the Vietnam and Kublai Khan Pack. Check out all the details below...

Civ 6 Update: January 2021

The fifth instalment of Civ 6's Frontier Pass was revealed on January 19 to be the Vietnam and Kublai Khan Pack.

Releasing on January 28, this pack brings with it the Vietnam civilization, alongside Kublai Khan as a new leader for both China and Japan.

Alongside these additions, the upcoming pack will include a new game mode- Monopolies and Corporations. This mode is more focused on the economic aspects of Civ 6, allowing you to focus on specific resources to create an Industry that could then be levelled up to a Corporation. Corporations can then create Products that will be slotted into the Stock Exchange and Seaport buildings, and can also be built up into a Monopoly if you manage to dominate the global supply enough.

Following this Developer Update, 2K also released a First Look at Bà Triệu- the leader of the Vietnam civilization. Bà Triệu has two unique abilities based on her experience fighting the occupation of the Wu Kingdom in the early 3rd Century.

Her 'Nine Dragon River Delta' ability makes all land speciality districts only buildable on Rainforest, Marsh, or Woods tiles. Buildings placed on these tiles will receive additional Science, Production or Culture.

Bà Triệu also has the 'Drive Out the Aggressors' ability, which provides extra Combat Strength for units fighting in Rainforest, Marsh or Woods tiles, which increases if these tiles are owned by Vietnam.

We'd also expect this update to include various bug fixes and gameplay tweaks, so stay tuned for when the update drops later this month.

READ MORE: What do you get in Civ 6's New Frontier Pass?

Civ 6 Update: December 2020

On the 7th December, Fireaxis announced their latest developer update, introducing ‘City-State Picker’ and balancing fixes for the Social Policies, Tech and Civic boosts, alongside improvements to the overall AI.

The City-State Picker allows players to choose which City-States they want to include in their next game. These City-States are not guaranteed to appear, but will make up a part of a pool of City-States that will be randomly selected.

As with all patches, the December update includes a large number of balances and fixes. You can view all the bug fixes and polishing done here.

The December update first went live on December 17, and is available for all players to download.

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Civ 6 Update: November 2020

The fourth pack in the New Frontier Pass has been released. It's called the Babylon Pack, and it seems to be the main Civ 6 update you'll be seeing in November 2020.

It features a new civilisation, twenty-four ‘Great People’, two improvements by the new ‘City-States’ mode and much more. Check out this trailer...

In terms of price, the ‘Babylon Pack’ can be bought separately at £3.99. And in terms of release date, it's available now (having launched on the 19th November)!

Compared to last month, it looks like another hefty update that’s bound to keep players engrossed even further in Civ 6.

What came to Civ 6 in October 2020?

Last month saw the addition of Pirates Scenario Maps to Civ 6. This mode was brand-new and is 60 turns long. The aim is for “players (to) pillage ships and cities, build up their fleets, collect powerful Relics, and strive to become the most infamous pirate in the tropics. The scenario reimagines many aspects of Civilization VI so players can focus on new naval and scenario-specific gameplay.

Along with that, we also got the Maya & Gran Columbia pack, the Ethiopia Pack, and the Byzantium and Gaul Pack.

All in all, it was an incredibly busy month, and the various updates did a lot to keep the game feeling incredibly fresh, despite the fact that it's actually been out a while now.

If Civ 6 manages to keep up this kind of pace then there may well never be a need for a Civ 7. At this rate, Civ 6 could be the game that Civ fans are playing for the rest of time...

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