Cities: Skylines 2 Xbox – will Cities: Skylines 2 be on Xbox consoles?

Cities Skylines 2 Xbox

Cities Skylines 2 Xbox

Paradox Interactive’s upcoming release looks like it’s going to be a solid city-building sequel with all the different features they’ve revealed so far. We know that the game is coming to PS5 and PC, but will a Cities: Skylines 2 Xbox version also be an option? Let’s find out.

The Cities: Skylines 2 official YouTube channel has been consistent with posting videos on the game’s many different features like making transportation fun and how traffic AI will behave.

While city building and simulation has traditionally been the preserve of PC gamers, a Cities: Skylines 2 Xbox release would mean that it could reach many more players, especially with Game Pass.

Will Cities: Skylines 2 be on Xbox consoles?

Yes, Cities: Skylines 2 will be available on both the Xbox Series X and the Xbox Series S.

However, it won’t be coming to the Xbox One. Cities: Skylines 2 looks like a massive upgrade compared to its predecessor, so limiting its release to PC and current-gen consoles is understandable.

The game is set to launch simultaneously on all supported platforms on October 24, 2023.

What is the pre-order bonus for Cities: Skylines 2?

Pre-ordering Cities: Skylines 2 on any platform will net you nine unique landmark buildings and the Tampere map.

The nine landmark buildings included in the Cities: Skylines 2 pre-order bonus are all based on real-world locations including Notre Dame, Grand Hotel, and the National Diet. The map that comes with the bonus is based on Tampere, Finland, which is the home of Colossal Order, the developers behind Cities: Skylines.

If you’ve got some extra money to spend, you might also want to consider getting the Cities: Skylines 2 Ultimate Edition. Ordering it will grant you an expansion pass that gives you instant access to future content once they are released.

And that’s it for Cities: Skylines 2 coming to Xbox consoles. While you’re here, check out whether or not this city management simulator will have any sort of multiplayer mode.