Cities: Skylines 2 export goods – how to do it

Cities: Skylines 2 exports

Cities: Skylines 2 exports

Building and maintaining your very own city is not only a monumental task but also a very expensive one. Imposing taxes may be the obvious way to keep your town funded, but the Cities: Skylines 2 exports system will help your settlement flourish.

Almost everything from stopping sewage backups to getting more workers in the city-building simulator will cost you money, so it’s best to take advantage of every income source you have access to.

In this guide, we’ll take a look at how Cities: Skylines 2 exports work and what you can do to maximize your profits from them.

How to export goods in Cities: Skylines 2

Exporting goods is done automatically in Cities: Skylines 2, but you will need to meet certain conditions to start the process.

First, you’ll need to have an excess of products made in your industrial areas. The local demand for an industrial building’s goods will always be prioritized over exporting, so fulfilling this requirement is easier said than done.

Once your town is fully stocked on goods, you’ll need to make sure the deliveries from industrial buildings have a way of traveling outside the city. This means they need access to things like trains, cargo ships, and highways for their delivery trucks.

Can you disable exports in Cities: Skylines 2?

No, it is not possible to disable exports in Cities: Skylines 2. While you might want to keep your products stored away for a rainy day, the only thing you can do in the game is to try to slow the exportation process. Easier said than done, right? Especially cause we want to avoid problems in the line.

The original Cities: Skylines had the option of putting up storage buildings in its Industries DLC. Goods will be delivered to these facilities after local demand has been met, bumping exportation down a peg on the priority list. We will see those in the sequel as well.

And that’s it for our guide on how to export goods in Cities: Skylines 2. For more tips on managing your town, try checking out our guides on emptying a landfill and dealing with noise pollution.