Cities: Skylines 2 cemetery – how to empty a cemetery in Cities: Skylines 2

cities skylines 2 cemetery

cities skylines 2 cemetery

As your city develops and expands, citizens will come and go. Sadly, some of those people will be departing for the afterlife. So yes, you will need to build a Cities: Skylines 2 cemetery since the virtual residents of your settlement will also be going through the circle of life.

There are a lot of ways to keep your residents happy and healthy in Cities: Skylines 2, but your cemeteries will start to fill up eventually. If these cemeteries aren’t dealt with in a timely manner, dead bodies will start piling up, and that will become a major health issue.

To make sure you always have enough space in a Cities: Skylines 2 cemetery, let’s go over the process of how to empty them.

How to empty a cemetery in Cities: Skylines 2

Emptying a cemetery may not be made obvious to new players, but it’s actually pretty easy to do. If you already know how to empty a landfill in Cities: Skylines 2, you’ll find the process to be very similar.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to empty a cemetery.

  • Build another cemetery or a crematorium.
  • Select the full cemetery and click on Empty building to another facility.
  • Once your cemetery has enough space again, click on the Stop emptying button.

While going through this process, the cemetery being emptied will not be functional since its hearses will be used to transfer the deceased to the new facility. Crematoriums are the better option in the long run since they process the deceased instead of just storing them.

How do you build cemeteries in Cities: Skylines 2?

You’ll need to reach the Boom Town milestone to unlock cemeteries in your city. You hit this milestone once your settlement has about 650 to 2,800 citizens.

Building a cemetery will cost you 8,000 cells with a weekly upkeep of 160 cells. It has a capacity of 3,000 deceased.

Crematoriums become available after reaching the Big City milestone and will cost you 25,000 cells with a 720-cell weekly upkeep.

So that’s our guide on how to empty a cemetery in Cities: Skylines 2. If you want to learn more about the city-building simulator, you can also check out the details on its map size and the different modes of transportation available to your citizens.

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