It is definitely a lot of fun having random conversations with actual characters, from many universes and worlds. Sometimes they may be AI characters created by the devs or by yourself, but are there any rules on those interactions? Can you get banned from Character AI?
The service has been gaining traction for the unique features offered to the public. Some have been wondering if it's possible to delete characters, along with its notorious NSFW filter being a topic of people's discussions.
Still, you might be rightfully worried about what happens to your account if you are not careful, so let's see if it's possible to get banned from Character AI.
Can you get banned from Character AI?
Overall, while it is entirely possible to violate the terms of service of other similar services such as ChatGPT, it does seem like you can get banned from Character AI as well. But, so far, that does not seem to have happened many times, except on their subreddit.
As with other services of the kind, Character AI has terms of service and, since you are using the service for free, the devs and moderators are free to ban you at any time they wish. But as for what you can actually get banned for, that question is a bit more difficult to answer.
The ToS states that Character AI has the right to suspend or terminate your account or use of their services at any time if they believe you have violated their terms of service or acceptable use policy.
What can get you banned from Character AI?
It is not entirely sure what kind of behaviour might get you banned from the platform.
Character AI ToS mentions that "unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, excessively violent, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable" content is not allowed.
However, it is not just NSFW content that might get you banned, but also violent conversations that may, for example, lead younger and suggestive individuals to cause harm to either themselves or others.
But, in order to avoid such problems, the developers already included an automatic conversation filter. This activates whenever it detects topics that are not allowed on the platform or if the conversation is getting too "heated up" and might lead to objectionable content.
It is worth remembering that all conversations on the platform are encrypted, so even if the developers wanted to access your private discussions with the characters to detect any "objectionable" content, they could not do so. Outright banning a user for such an issue would mean that the developers would reveal that no conversations on the platform are private, which would transform into a clear issue of privacy.
What can you do if you get banned from Character AI?
It does not seem that this issue has been popping up a lot, since with the filter in place, any "unsuitable" conversations can be blocked right away. But still, if you get banned, there is not much that you can do.
We would suggest just creating another account with another e-mail, but it is also worth noting that there are some petitions on Change asking the devs to change their stance on the NSFW filter. It might be worth voting if you are interested in Character AI changing in the future.