Black Suit Spider-Man is coming to the MCU after No Way Home

In 1984, one of the biggest moments in Spider-Man comics occurred. As part of The Amazing Spider-Man #252, the beloved webhead ditched his iconic red and blue costume for some new threads. Enter: Black Suit Spider-Man.

While not the first appearance of the Black Suit Spider-Man, aka the Symbiote Suit, this issue marks the moment where Peter Parker would adopt the suit properly. Ever since, the edgy costume has been a fan-favourite, even on film. So... will we see it in the MCU?

Black Suit Spider-Man will arrive after No Way Home

According to a report by CBM, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is planned to wear the Symbiote Suit in the MCU. Based on leaks from accurate Marvel leaker MyTimeToShineHello, the beloved suit will come to the big screen sooner than later.

The leaker stated that Tom Holland's Peter Parker will be receiving the Suit after No Way Home. He said: “Tom Holland's Peter will get the black symbiote suit in the MCU after No Way Home."

This leak does line up with Sony's plans for a Spider-Man vs Venom crossover movie. In the past, Sony boss Sanford Panitch explained that the details for the upcoming crossover will make sense after No Way Home. Other leaks have suggested that Venom will turn up in No Way Home’s post credits scene, similar to Spider-Man at the end of Venom 2.

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What will Eddie do without Venom?

If Tom Holland's Spider-Man does get the Symbiote Suit in an upcoming movie, where does that lead Eddie Brock? The Venom spin-off series has done well without the inclusion of Spider-Man, mostly because of the relationship between Eddie and Venom.

If Black Suit Spider-Man does occur on screen, that would leave Eddie Brock powerless. Would the entire movie consist of Eddie trying to get the Symbiote back? What impact would that have on their relationship?

It all sounds a bit too messy for the clinical, planned MCU. However, Sony's interference in Marvel's Spidey plans isn't anything new. Let's just hope it doesn't ruin the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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