Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still in "early development"

beyond good and evil 2 early development the main characters pose
Credit: Ubisoft

beyond good and evil 2 early development the main characters pose
Credit: Ubisoft

Beyond Good and Evil 2 went from a highly-anticipated sequel to a game on the “never coming out” list. Unfortunately, a new report claims that the once-hyped prequel has only begun “early development” recently. Talk about development hell.

Revealed way back in 2018, the new prequel was shown to have unbelievable scale, but that promise is still a pipe dream. While we understand developers taking their time to release something good, one has to wonder if this will even resemble the original Beyond Good and Evil.

Only time will tell if Beyond Good and Evil 2 will ever be made, or if it will even come out. Considering the development time, it’s clear that Ubisoft won’t be canceling this game, but seeing them spend this much effort with barely any results is worrying.

Insider Gaming reports that the sequel appears to be in “early development,” suggesting that production from the 2018 pre-alpha demo has been restarted. While Insider Gaming hasn’t shared any of the supposed footage they’ve seen, the report claims that it’s nowhere near as detailed as the 2018 demo.

The only thing resembling the 2018 demo were the spaceships, which aren’t exactly a beacon of hope when it comes to game development. Considering the lack of news we’ve seen of Beyond Good and Evil 2, this will likely be a late title for modern consoles or whatever the next-gen ones are.

The last time fans saw Beyond Good and Evil 2, it had swearing monkeys, an evil version of Jade from the first game, and Joseph Gordon Levitz. With many fans feeling like it doesn’t feel like a sequel to that beloved Gamecube-era adventure game, we’re interested in seeing what the latest build is like.

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No release date for Beyond Good and Evil 2 has been announced, nor have any game systems been named. Meanwhile, fans who want to play the original Beyond Good and Evil can play it on Steam, PS3, Xbox 360, PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox.