How To Fix BeReal Can't Add Friends Issue

How To Fix BeReal Can't Add Friends Issue

How To Fix BeReal Can't Add Friends Issue

Can't add friends on BeReal? There are some easy fixes that you can try.

Bugs are ruining the BeReal app experience for many users. Whether it is Bereal not uploading issue or the BeReal app not working properly, users are having a hard time using the app. Not to mention the notification not working bug.

BeReal can't add friends issue is another problem that is causing serious frustration for many users. Some are even considering deleting their BeReal account and joining TikTok Now as they are finding it too buggy.

If you are having trouble adding friends on BeReal, keep reading to discover some simple ways to fix the issue.

How To Fix BeReal Can't Add Friends Issue

The BeReal can't add friends issue has made it difficult for many users to connect with their friends. When they click the "Add Friend" button, it just loads for like 2 secs but nothing happens.

If that's what you are experiencing, here is what you need to do.

  • It appears to be a problem with the app UI. This means, a friend request is in fact sent when you click the button, but the app UI is not updated to reflect that. To confirm this, you may need to contact your friend and see if they have received your request.
  • Make sure you are using the latest version of the app.
  • Clearing the BeReal app cache worked for some. So, go to your device's settings and clear the BeReal cache. If you are on iPhone, offload the BeReal app and then reinstate it.
  • If the problem persists, join the Beta version of BeReal as it is less buggy.

Hopefully, one of the above fixes will work for you. In case you are still having problems, we recommend you contact BeReal by sending a mail to They respond to people's DMs on their official Instagram as well, so that's another way to contact them.

Read more: Does BeReal Notify Screenshots?

Why Can't I Accept Friend Requests On BeReal?

While some users are having trouble sending friend requests, others can't accept requests from their friends. When they click the "Accept" button, it just spins for a while but nothing happens.

Certainly, a bug is causing the issue. Don't worry, though. Try the following fixes and you should be able to accept requests again.

  • First, go to your friends list and see if that person is already been added.
  • Make sure the app is up-to-date.
  • Kill the app, relaunch it and see if the issue is fixed.
  • Try clearing the BeReal app cache.
  • If nothing helps, join the Beta version of BeReal.

The devs are aware of both issues, and hopefully, a new update will patch them up. For now, your best bet is to try the above fixes and hope for the best. One of them should work for you.

Since you are here, have a look at other BeReal tutorials such as how to see BeReal without posting and how to make BeReal public. The BeReal time for today may also be of interest to you.