Baldur's Gate 3 classes and subclasses

Baldur's Gate 3 classes and subclasses - picture of Baldur's Gate 3 characters
Credit: Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 classes and subclasses - picture of Baldur's Gate 3 characters
Credit: Baldur's Gate 3

Now that the release date of Baldur's Gate 3 is approaching fast, players and fans have become more curious about the game's available classes and subclasses.

Baldur's Gate 3 offers a wide array of character classes and subclasses, which can be overwhelming for newcomers. As a result, players may find themselves confused when selecting from the available Origin characters during the character creation process.

Let's explore Baldur's Gate 3's classes and subclasses - read on!

Baldur's Gate 3 classes and subclasses explained

Each class in Baldur's Gate 3 has a corresponding subclass. Think of the subclass as the specialization of your character. This system isn't totally new since it was used in the first Baldur's Gate games, which were based on the D&D 2E ruleset.

However, the class and subclass system of Baldur's Gate 3 is simplified and revamped at the same time. The character creation process is highly similar to what you'd do in a physical tabletop session of D&D.

Check out the BG3 classes and subclasses below.


The Barbarian is a hard-hitting tribal warrior driven by primal instincts and rage. As a Barbarian, you will attack recklessly, eager to bring down foes as fast as possible.

The Barbarian subclasses are Berserker (reckless damage), Wildheart (primal energies), and Wild Magic (strong yet unpredictable magic).


A D&D party isn't complete without a Bard. While not a totally combat-focused class, a Bard is flexible enough to buff party members through music while casting spells that can annoy or derail enemies.

Bard's subclasses present a balance of magic and protection. The subclasses are College of Swords (offensive magic), College of Valor (protection), and College of Lore (spells).


Clerics are masters of faith and callers of divine intervention. Without a Cleric, a D&D party will have a hard time completing dungeons or vanquishing enemies.

Cleric's subclasses are known as Domains. The available domains are Knowledge (spells and spell slots), Life (healing), Light (radiant damage), Nature (nature magic), Tempest (storm & lightning), Trickery (deception), and War (offensive magic).


Druids can channel the forces of nature and the elements. Additionally, Druids can support the party through healing and summoning.

Druid's official subclasses are known as Circles. The available Circles are Circle of the Land (spellcasting), Circle of the Moon (transformation), and Circle of Spores (tankiness & extra damage).


Fighters are masters of combat, and they are capable of ending threats within a few rounds. One of the duties of a Fighter is to protect spellcasters and prevent enemies from flanking the party.

The Fighter subclasses are Battlemaster (fighting maneuvers), Champion (enhanced damage), and Eldritch Knight (magic combat).


Paladins are zealous fighters determined to protect the weak and destroy oppressors. They are the moral backbones of adventuring parties.

Paladin subclasses are called Oaths. The available Oaths are Oath of Devotion (protection), Oath of the Ancients (strange powers), Oath of Vengeance (strong against evil), and Oathbreaker (evil oath).


Rangers are excellent hunters, trackers, and scouts. A dedicated Ranger can help their friends navigate the treacherous world while tracking down foes.

The Ranger subclasses are Beast Master (commanding beasts), Hunter (tracking & hunting), Gloom Stalker (ambush).


Rogues accomplish their goals by employing stealth, deep investigation, deception, and trickery. An adventuring party needs a Rogue to open locks and find traps that are lurking everywhere.

The Rogue subclasses are Thief (thieving), Assassin (poisons & killing), and Arcane Trickster (magic for trickery).


Wizards are masters of the arcane, and they can specialize on different magic schools. While Wizards are squishy in combat, their spells are strong and can scale progressively.

The Wizard subclasses are known as Schools. The available magic schools are Abjuration (protection), Conjuration (summoning), Enchantment (modification), Divination (foresight), Evocation (offensive magic), Necromancy (undead), Illusion (trickery), and Transmutation (transformation).

Now that you know about the classes and subclasses available for Baldur's Gate 3, you'll gain some ideas for your next character build. We'll keep this article updated once more subclasses have become available!

Before you leave, make sure you check out the weapons and companions in Baldur's Gate 3.