Ai-Da robot to testify evidence in House of Lords inquiry

The Ai-Da robot has been a breakthrough in AI technology, painting big celebrities like Billie Eilish and the late Queen. However, Ai-Da will make more history, testifying evidence for the House of Lords for the court’s “A Creative Future” inquiry.

Knowing that an AI-powered robot will actually testify evidence in a court case is genuinely a major chapter in history. Expect a lot of talks when the robot appears and actually testifies, since no one expected to see this day.

Ai-Da makes history

Sky News reported on Ai-Da and its big accomplishment, acknowledging that it sounds like a scene from a sci-fi movie. Realizing that this is an actual reality has many people shocked, making us think about even more breakthroughs for AI.

"The fact that Ai-Da is giving evidence at one of these sessions is pretty mind-blowing," creator Aidan Meller tells Sky News. "[A few years ago] you wouldn't have even thought this would be possible, but that shows you the strides of AI.”

We’ve gotten used to AI and robotics in our lives but this is a change since they usually handle labor. Only time will tell if this ends up leaving a positive impact, though we don’t see any major negatives yet.

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AI does what humans don’t

Ai-Da creator Aidan Miller is proud of his creation testifying, claiming his robot will help people get through these changes. Many people are afraid if AI replacing them in their jobs, so finding out one of them can make art is just as disheartening.

The creator claims that his creation will make sense of "very big sweeping changes that AI is bringing", Mr. Meller says. "And AI is coming in far quicker than anybody expected - it is no exaggeration to say that AI is going to be changing all aspects of life."