Huge €400,000 Metaverse Party is an even bigger flop

The EU’s Metaverse Party that cost $400,000 with no attendees

The EU’s Metaverse Party that cost $400,000 with no attendees

The virtual world of The Metaverse has been a laughing stock for the tech world. Despite being ridiculed online, the tech has its supporters. For example, the European Union hosted a huge Metaverse Party to celebrate the technological advancement.

When many hear the term Metaverse, they immediately think of Facebook parent company Meta. While Meta is investing billions into the concept, the true idea of a Metaverse is simply an open internet portrayed via 3D worlds instead of websites.

The European Union is a supporter of this idea. However, while investing in the virtual world may seem like a good idea for supporters, the vast majority of people simply do not want to spend time inside virtual worlds that aren’t video games.

Case in point: the EU’s huge Metaverse Party was attended by just six individuals. After spending $400,000 (actually €387,000) on the virtual Gala, the party was expected to be a hit. Unfortunately, for them, it was a complete disaster.

Twitter user and journalist Vince Chadwick attended the political event. As he explained, the virtual event was designed to bring in “non politically engaged 18-35 year olds”. However, for the most part, he was alone.

“After initial bemused chats with the roughly five other humans who showed up, I am alone,” Chadwick said on Twitter. “The gala was meant — I think — as final grand event. There were a few other talks etc in metaverse in recent weeks but I didn’t attend those.”

The few attendees for the event were also unimpressed by the huge Metaverse party. One comment on Chadwick’s screen reads: “Is anyone there?” Another describes the event as “this is just the same DJ spinning the same music”.

This unimpressive virtual party is just one part of the EU’s hugely expensive Metaverse plans. In fact, the European Union is dedicated to spending even more money on its “Global Gateway” project, an attempt to capitalise on last year’s Metaverse hype.

However, as has been consistently proven, the general public does not care about the virtual world. Furthermore, those that do are already engaging in virtual worlds in VR Chat or Rec Room.

Until a world comes out that actually looks and behaves like Ready Player One’s Oasis, no one wants to spend all their time in VR. And if they do, they’re either playing the best VR games or choking the chicken.

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