How to fix VRChat crashing on PC, Quest 2 and Quest 3



Is VRChat crashing for you at startup or when loading one of the VRChat worlds? Don't worry, we're here to help.

VRChat has been a massive hit on the VR scene and is one of the most popular virtual worlds on the web. However, while VRChat is a great experience, it also has its problems. Issues such as the avatar error and loading and crashing issues are taking the joy out of the players.

In this guide, we will discuss troubleshooting tips to resolve the VRChat crashing issues on PC, Meta Quest 2 and Quest 3. But, before that, make sure VRChat is not down.

How to fix VRChat crashing on Quest 2 and Quest 3

If you are experiencing VRChat crashing on your Meta Quest 2 or Quest 3, the support team recommends you uninstall and reinstall the VRChat application to fix the issue. We have some additional fixes for you here.

  • Reduce the maximum allowable size for avatars to approximately 5MB.
  • Implement safety features to conceal the avatars of visitors and new users by default.
  • Additionally, hide any avatars that are situated more than 15 meters away from the user.
  • Limit the maximum number of avatars displayed at any given time to 10
  • Try restarting your headset, which has worked for some users.
  • You can try a factory reset as a nuclear option.

In case nothing seems to work, we recommend you send the support team a ticket. Make sure you are as detailed as you can. Describe your issue, including what you were doing at the time, what you were attempting to do, and what happened instead.

How to fix VRChat crashing on a PC

Whether it is on startup or when loading/entering a world, VRChat crashes can be extremely frustrating. Thankfully, the folks at VRChat is aware of the issue and have provided us with some solutions that should help you get back up and running.

Assuming that your PC is powerful enough to run the app, follow the troubleshooting steps to fix VRChat crashing. If you can access the application, follow the steps in the "in-app method" section. If you cannot access the application's settings, try the steps in the "automatic method" section.

In-app method

  • Go to Settings > Advanced Settings, and click all three buttons. After that, restart VRChat.
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  • Open the Properties for VRChat in Steam and choose Verify Integrity of Game Files under the Local Files tab.
  • Go to the VRChat Home website, click on the Avatars section, and then click Reset to Default Avatar.
  • Make sure you are running the latest version of Windows, and that your GPU drivers are up to date.
  • Also, whitelist VRChat.exe in your antivirus program and any firewalls you might have running. Or simply disable the security software while you are running VRChat.
  • Finally, launch the app and see if the issue is fixed. If not, you'll need to contact Support.

Automatic method

  • Run Command Prompt as administrator.
  • Select the following block of text. Make sure you select ALL of it! Triple-click it with the mouse to select it all. Copy it with Ctrl-C: rmdir /S /Q "%AppData%\..\LocalLow\VRChat\vrchat\Cookies" 2>nul & rmdir /S /Q "%AppData%\..\LocalLow\VRChat\vrchat\HTTPCache" 2>nul & rmdir /S /Q "%AppData%\..\LocalLow\VRChat\vrchat\Unity" 2>nul & rmdir /S /Q "%AppData%\..\LocalLow\VRChat\vrchat\VRCHTTPCache" 2>nul & rmdir /S /Q "%AppData%\..\LocalLow\VRChat\vrchat\HTTPCache-WindowsPlayer" 2>nul & rmdir /S /Q "%AppData%\..\LocalLow\VRChat\vrchat\Cache-WindowsPlayer" 2>nul & rmdir /S /Q "%TEMP%\VRChat\VRChat" 2>nul & rmdir /S /Q "%UserProfile%\.cache\yt-dlp" 2>nul & REG DELETE HKCU\Software\VRChat\vrchat /va
  • Just right-click in the Command Prompt window to paste the text. Then, press Enter. It may take a few seconds to run.
  • The prompt will then ask you if you want to delete all keys under the VRChat key. Press Y for Yes, and then press Enter.

After doing all the above-mentioned steps, follow steps 2 through 4 in the above "in-app method" section. In case you have any errors in Command Prompt, you'll have to perform a more complex troubleshooting procedure aka the "manual method" which you can find here.

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