Windows is copying Samsung by adding more ads to its OS

windows logo with spy hat and hand holding money bag on windows 11 background

windows logo with spy hat and hand holding money bag on windows 11 background


  • More promoted apps can be expected in the start menu of Windows 11.
  • It's not the first time Microsoft has faced criticism due to ads.
  • After apps being promoted in the pinned section of the Start Menu, the new feature allows ads to appear in the recommended section as well.

Just like Samsung, Windows will introduce a new feature that adds promotions and advertisements for apps to the recommendation section of the Start Menu.

Not only are Windows users unhappy with the upcoming Windows 11 24h2 update, but Microsoft somehow managed to make matters worse by adding more ads to its OS.

Before this feature, the recommended section only displayed the apps that were installed in the OS, but with the introduction of this feature, the promoted apps would make their way into the recommended section. This change would give Microsoft yet another way to promote and advertise certain apps.

The user experience will face further degradation following the addition of this feature. Although all inconveniences faced by users following such updates always have a solution one way or another, it doesn't remove the inconvenience of having to deal with it. This feature is not too different; it can be deactivated by going to settings and tinkering with the personalization options.

The solution was suggested by PhantomOfEarth on X, as he stated, “Looks like the Start menu's Recommended section will be getting app promotions, similar to suggested apps in Start in Windows 10. This can be toggled off from Settings (Show recommendations for tips, app promotions, and more).

This is not the first time Windows has introduced such features. Previously, Microsoft was criticized for the ads that were shown in the Pinned section (upper half of the Start Menu), but now Microsoft plans to take the criticism up a notch by promoting apps in the Recommended section (lower half of the Start Menu) as well. We also had them try to force Bing down our throats recently.

Still, it just adds on to many of those steps users are now required to take to get a user-friendly experience. Hopefully, Microsoft will prevent adding such features with the release of Windows 12, expected to be released at the end of 2024.

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