Unsurprisingly, gamers aren't buying Ubisoft’s Ghost Recon NFTs

French mega-developer Ubisoft shot its reputation in the foot with the announcement of Ghost Recon NFTs. As the initial launch of proposed NFT line Ubisoft Quartz, the developer sacrificed one of its worst games, Ghost Reason: Breakpoint, to test the service.

Despite Ubisoft deleting the announcement video for Quartz after unparalleled backlash, the developer has stealth-launched the service. However, it seems that no one is interested in buying the developers bad blockchain cosmetics.

Ubisoft Quartz Ghost Recon NFTs are a flop

By navigating to Tezos blockchain auction website Objkt, you can see all 2,000 listings for Ubisoft Quartz NFTs. At the time of writing, every minted item is the exact same Wolves skin for the M4A1 Tactical weapon. However, each skin is marked with a unique number — wooooow.

With the NFT bubble causing people to spend upwards of $600,000 for a crap-looking Yacht, Ubisoft’s offerings were expected to sell. With 2,000 of the virtual items listed for sale, just how many have actually sold? 4. Just 4.

Furthermore, Ubisoft's NFTs are selling for amounts hilariously lower than their initiative listings. For example, the Wolves #1212 skin is Ubisoft’s highest selling Ghost Recon NFT to date. The item was listed for 10,000 ꜩ, the equivalent of around $46,000. That item sold for just 20 ꜩ, around $91.

PSX 20211216 133038
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At the time of writing, this is Ubisoft's highest-selling NFT.

This isn't even the lowest price for one of the company's rifle skins. The Wolves #297, the same skin with the number 297 on it, sold at just 5ꜩ — $22.

Ubisoft has almost 2,000 unsold skins going for sale at publishing time, all with varying prices attached. At the highest end of the spectrum, the Wolves #1301 skin has an asking price of 100,000 ꜩ, $459,147.19. The highest offer on any item is 14ꜩ, $64.28.

Ghost Recon NFTs selling for tiny amounts
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Read More: Keanu Reeves laughs like a witch at the idea of NFTs

Gamers don't want this

While NFT games have mostly been kept to Metaverse experiences like Sandbox or Decentraland, they've been mostly absent from actual video games. Unfortunately, practises like Ubisoft Quartz and STALKER 2 are attempting to change that.

However, it's obvious that gamers who actually enjoy playing games don't want this. Ubisoft, one of the biggest developers in the games industry, can only sell four NFTs. Four! All while a twelve-year-old’s pixel art is selling for thousands!

The video game industry has already had to deal with microtransactions, loot boxes and battle passes. If anything, gamers are less likely to trust a corporation’s get-rich-quick scheme than ever before.

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