Facebook's futuristic Metaverse project gains a new executive team

Last week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that Facebook is going all-in on the concept of metaverse. Popularised by Neal Stephenson's popular cyberpunk novel Snowcrash, that concept has ever-grown.

Nowadays, we can already interact with pseudo metaverses. The online communities of Second Life and Roblox belong to this label. But Zuckerberg wants to go further; the Facebook CEO wants his metaverse to be more like Ready Player One's Oasis.

Facebook metaverse executive team formed

Following Zuckerberg's tell-all interview about Facebook's plans for the future, the company initialised their plans to move forward. Announced by Vice President of AR/VR Andrew Bosworth, the social media company’s next big step is already underway.

Bosworth explained that Facebook's already existing mixed reality projects are a good stepping stone. However, they're still a ways off making the finalised technology that will create the metaverse of Zuckerberg dreams.

Bosworth explained:

“Today Portal and Oculus can teleport you into a room with another person, regardless of physical distance, or to new virtual worlds and experiences. But to achieve our full vision of the Metaverse, we also need to build the connective tissue between these spaces -- so you can remove the limitations of physics and move between them with the same ease as moving from one room in your home to the next.”

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Who's joining the team?

The metaverse project group is formed of numerous members of different Facebook businesses. High-end employees from Instagram to Oculus are all involved in the complex project. In his Facebook Post, Bosworth introduced multiple members of the team.

Instagram VP of Product Vishal Shah, Facebook Gaming's Vivek Sharma and OG Oculus Jason Rubin are all joining the team. These team members will be heading up different sections of Facebook's Metaverse plans.

As of now the company has formed the following divisions: Product, Horizons and Content. Out of the three, product is named first and foremost; Facebook's Metaverse is obviously a product created primarily for sales.

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