Facebook is as “an army under siege” amid whistleblower, tech outage, more

Facebook has not had a very good week. After former Facebook employee Frances Haugen exposed the company's darkest secrets, the company melted down. Amidst hordes of bad press, the social media empire crumbled as every one of its services failed.

For 40,000+ employees, the social media company feels down and dour. In a report by Insider, the recent “week from Hell” is far from over. Reports describing the current state of employee morale reveals a culture that’s angry, confused and tired.

Facebook is “an army under siege”

Insider reports that the company is currently “an army under siege”. Everyday employees are fighting against broken services and negative press. On the other hand, the mega-corporation’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is on holiday in Kauai.

The one-two punch of Haugen’s public exposé and a compete company shutdown has shaken employees. One current employee told the outlet: “It reinforced the feeling, you can’t win no matter what you do. They hate us, but hate us when we’re gone.”

Employees are met with constant negativity. In recent months, the company they work for has been accused of political meddling, purposefully harming children and monopoly. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has often been at the forefront of these criticisms as well. As time goes on, the constant negativity is being to weigh on normal workers.

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Employees are angry

Facebook's workforce is furious. Insider reports that many workers believe PR is failing to keep the company afloat. The company is on the defensive, delaying products and keeping quiet, but employees don't know what the defence actually is.

One worker told the outlet that company “PR sucks”. They said: “They haven't been able to manage debacle after debacle and run a tight ship”. But PR isn't the only place that employee anger is being focused at; many employees are angry at the whistleblower.

An employee told Insider that there’s “lots of bashing the whistleblower”. While employees have been instructed to not “criticize Haugen publicly”, internally the anger is spreading. With Haugen planning on continuing her exposé of the company, that anger may only increase.

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The metaverse is in trouble

Facebook’s negativity revolves mostly around its social media management. However, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has revealed an interest in leaving that aspect of the company behind. Instead, Facebook plans to rebrand as a metaverse company in the next half-decade or so.

Can Facebook actually pull off a Metaverse? Should it? Trust for the company is currently at an all time low, and that trust does not seem to be increasing. If anything, Facebook's rebrand appears to be in serious trouble, especially with Zuckerberg at the helm.

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