Deadpool 3 will be the Infinity War of the series, claims Feige

The Deadpool series was expected to end with Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox. However, in a surprise turn of events, not only will Deadpool 3 exist, but it will be bigger than any of its predecessors.

Deadpool 3 will match Infinity War in scale

Since the acquisition of 20th Century Fox, news on Deadpool 3 has been slowed down. We know that the movie is being worked on and will still be R-rated, but other details are very sparse.

At San Diego Comic Con, Marvel boss Kevin Fiege explained that there are huge plans for the next Deadpool movie. While the film’s storyline wasn’t touched on, the Marvel President explained that the next entry will be huge.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, the Marvel boss confirmed that they’re trying to “elevate it in the way we’ve been able to with Civil War, and Infinity War and Ragnarok?" This means that instead just another Deadpool, they want to really up the scale.

Unfortunately, not many other details were discussed about the movie. However, it was confirmed — once again — that it’s incredibly fun to work with Ryan Reynolds.

“It’s very fun to be in the world of the Ryan Reynolds show,” Fiege confirmed.

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What could make the movie that big?

Claiming that Deadpool 3 will be the Infinity War of the series is a huge claim! Infinity War was the culmination of 10 years of Marvel cinema, and is likely the best Marvel movie to date. (It’s much better than Endgame, fight me.)

However, with the huge cast of characters now available to use, the world of Deadpool is bigger than ever. With that in mind, the movie could be a huge multiverse adventure. On the other hand, it could simply include some big-name characters.

For example, fans have clamoured for Deadpool to crossover with Spider-Man in the MCU. The two characters’ interactions in the comics are iconic parts of their lineage, and it would be amazing to see on screen. Here’s hoping!

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