How to Fix Wuthering Waves Crashing - Proven Solutions

An image of a female anime character in Wuthering Waves holding a gun - keep crashing

An image of a female anime character in Wuthering Waves holding a gun - keep crashing

Wuthering Waves keeps crashing for you? You are not alone. Many PC players have reported that their game crashes consistently when the loading screen reaches 65%, a frustrating hiccup that can halt your progress in its tracks.

Unfortunately, crashing isn’t the only problem players encounter with Wuthering Waves. Additional issues like fatal errors and the game not launching have also significantly frustrated players. Fortunately, there are fixes available for these issues.

In this guide, we’ll tackle this common issue, providing you with a series of tested fixes to ensure you can enjoy Wuthering Waves without interruption. Let’s dive into these solutions step-by-step.

How to Fix Wuthering Waves Crashing on PC

To fix Wuthering Waves crashing on your PC, try launching the game directly using the wutheringwaves.exe or launcher.exe, instead of the Epic Launcher. If this method doesn’t solve the problem, consider the following troubleshooting tips.

Update Your Graphics Drivers

Outdated or corrupt graphics drivers can often cause games to crash. Make sure your GPU drivers are up to date by visiting the website of your graphics card manufacturer (NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel) and downloading the latest drivers.

Verify Game Files

Sometimes, game files become corrupt or incomplete. If you’re playing on the Epic Games Store, you can use the “Verify” tool in the launcher to check and repair game files. This process ensures that all necessary files are intact and in their correct versions.

Adjust Graphics Settings

High graphics settings can overload your PC. So, try lowering the graphics settings in the game’s options menu. Reducing settings such as texture quality, shadows, and anti-aliasing can significantly decrease the load on your system.

Adjust Power Settings

High-performance games require more power, and sometimes PC settings limit this usage. Adjust your power settings to the "High Performance" plan through the Control Panel, and ensure that your hardware is set to operate at full capacity.

Check for Software Conflicts

Other programs running in the background, especially those that use overlay features like Discord or screen recording software, can interfere with your game’s performance and stability. Therefore, terminate them

Disable Overclocking

Overclocking your CPU or GPU can enhance performance but also leads to instability, particularly with resource-intensive applications like modern video games. So, we recommend you disable any overclocking settings.


By methodically working through these steps, you can find a solution to resolve the issue of Wuthering Waves crashing on your PC. Remember, troubleshooting can sometimes be a process of trial and error, so patience is key.

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