How to stream PS5 games on Chromecast

How to stream PS5 games on Chromecast - white 4K Chromecast

How to stream PS5 games on Chromecast - white 4K Chromecast

Google has updated their firmware and with it comes one interesting news for all gamers. Now it is possible to use your Google TV, but more importantly your Chromecast to stream PS5 and PS4 games. But how to stream PS5 games on Chromecast? Let's find out.

Thanks to this update you can now transform any 4K tv in your house into a console without any need to move around your console or any other expensive tricks.

But how can we actually stream PS5 games on Chromecast? There are a few simple steps so let's find out.

How to stream PS5 and PS5 games on Chromecast?

In order to stream games on Chromecast, you need to have your device updated to the latest firmware, first. Then download the PS Remote Play app on the device and you are ready to go. It's indeed simple as that.

Here are the steps in detail:

  • Use your Chromcast to access the Google Play Store
  • Navigate to the PS Remote Play app
  • Install it on your device
  • Now you can use your PS4 or PS5 Dualshock controller to play games

Naturally, you can't switch around so you'll need your PS4 controller for last generation games and PS5 Dualshock for current-gen. But you should already have those, so that shouldn't be a problem.

How does PS Remote Play work?

Basically, this allows you to use whatever 4K TV with an HDMI output to stream PS4 and PS5 games. As long as Remote Play is enabled on the respective consoles and they are all connected on the same network, you should be more than ready to go.

Naturally, there might be the occasional lag or some issues, but overall the experience works perfectly fine. This means that you don't have to leave your console plugged in to your TV or even have to buy a brand new TV just because you just upgraded your console. A 4K Chromecast only costs 49 dollars, so that's definitely a worthy investment.

That's all you need to know on how to stream PS5 games on Chromecast. For more tips and tricks find out how to clean a Dualshock and how to fix Ps4 NAT type failed error.

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