How to Remove All Destiny Mods in DIM

An image of three characters from the game standing fully armoured. a big joker face in the background too. - Remove Mods DIM
Credit: Bungie

An image of three characters from the game standing fully armoured. a big joker face in the background too. - Remove Mods DIM
Credit: Bungie

With the Final Shape expansion on the horizon, it’s crucial to ensure that you don’t have any mods equipped to avoid potential issues. This makes it essential to remove all mods using DIM in Destiny.

Destiny servers go offline for maintenance on June 3 at 9 am PT for the Final Shape update. It’s necessary to remove your mods before this happens. If you miss it, you won’t be able to make these changes.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to remove all mods using Destiny Item Manager (DIM). While you are here, check out the news on the Destiny 2 offline play.

How to Remove All Destiny Mods in DIM

Here is how to remove all Destiny mods in DIM:

  • Go to the Destiny Item Manager website or open the DIM browser extension.
  • Log in to your Destiny account through DIM if you haven’t already.
  • In the search bar at the top, paste the following search query: is:weapon (keyword:"major spec" OR keyword:"minor spec" OR keyword:"boss spec" OR keyword:"taken spec" OR keyword:"Adept Big Ones")
  • Click on the menu button and select “Strip Sockets”. This will remove the spec mods from all the filtered weapons.

This search will filter your weapons to show those with the specified spec mods (Major Spec, Minor Spec, Boss Spec, Taken Spec, or Adept Big Ones) and the “Strip Sockets” command will remove all the mods from the selected weapons.

Why Should I Remove Mods?

You don’t technically need to remove any mods, but the four Spec weapon mods and Adept Big Ones are being removed with the upcoming Final Shape expansion.

In the past, when mods were removed, issues with the mod sockets have occurred. Removing these mods now can help prevent potential problems with your gear when the new expansion is released.

With that, we are wrapping up our guide on how to remove all Destiny mods in DIM. We hope you found our guide helpful. While you prepare yourself for the launch of Final Shape, look out for error codes such as CAT and Seal.

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