Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One vs Xbox Series X/S: What will the differences be, and which version should you buy?

With the next-gen of consoles now here, you now need to think about whether you should get the older version of a game or if you should get the next-gen version.

It's a conundrum which strikes whenever we hit these cross-gen times, and with backwards compatibility and cross-gen games being bigger than ever, it's a tough one to tackle at the moment.

BUY NOW: Cyberpunk 2077 for Xbox One

This is going to be especially the case with a game like Cyberpunk 2077 comes out because the next-gen version is a little way off.

So, which version should you consider getting?

What are the differences in Cyberpunk 2077 between Xbox One and the Xbox Series X/S?

We've not got a huge amount of info on the proper next-gen versions just yet, but we've already seen the difference in performance between the Xbox One and Xbox Series X versions thanks to this video:

As you can see, even without a true next-gen version, it's impressive how much the power of the Xbox Series X will improve the game.

In essence, it'll run better, load faster, and look a lot prettier. However, you might be wondering if you should hold out for the true next-gen version.

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Which version should you get?

As it stands, it makes more sense to get the current-gen version than wait for the next-gen one.

Whether you're playing it on Xbox Series X or an Xbox One, it's going to be a pretty game, and it should (theoretically) run well enough on both. What's more, when the upgraded Xbox Series X version eventually releases next year, those with an Xbox One copy will gain access to the Series X upgrade for free.

However, if you'd rather experience the whole game in the best possible way (on a next-gen console), then maybe you should consider waiting until the next-gen version is out.We just don't know when exactly that is yet.

If you decide to buy the Xbox One version, Amazon is offering customers a copy of Cyberpunk 2077 along with three exclusive Night City postcards for £49.99. You can check out this listing here.

READ MORE: All the latest Xbox Series X news!

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