Cryptobros hack British Army social media to promote NFTs

The British Army was somewhat invaded recently, as their social media platforms were hacked and used to promote cryptocurrency and NFTs. While the hack didn’t last long, an investigation has launched to figure out how this breach in security even happened.

Another reason to hate crypto and NFTs

Plenty of Twitter users were quick to report about The British Army’s account getting hacked. Over the weekend, the official Army Twitter account is was renamed “pssssd” and “BAPESCLAN” at different times.

During the period it was hacked, The British Army’s social media account hyped up NFTs and cryptocurrency before whoever did this backed off. At the time of writing, the mysterious cryptobro has not been found.

"Apologies for the temporary interruption to our feed. We will conduct a full investigation and learn from this incident," a post on the British Army Twitter handle said.

It wasn’t just Twitter that was affected, as The British Army’s YouTube account was also hacked. For a brief time, the account was renamed Ark Invest and started to share various videos about cryptocurrency using images of Elon Musk. The British Army is now launching a major investigation over this breach of security.

“We can confirm that yesterday there was a breach of the Army’s Twitter and YouTube accounts and an investigation is underway," an Army spokesperson told Euronews Next. “We take information security extremely seriously and whilst we have now resolved the issue an investigation is ongoing and it would be inappropriate to comment further.”

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More dangerous than we think?

While it seems like a harmless prank, there is some danger to be had from this hack. Some of the hackers were pretending to be Twitter user Tmw_Buidls, who boasts a collection of NFTs called ThePossessedNFT. The Twitter user claimed that they did not partake in this breach of security.

“The British Army has been hacked and is spreading fake ThePossessedNFT information," the user tweeted. "Forget us, please report their account as compromised as this is not okay.”

If that wasn’t bad enough, The British Army account also claimed that the UK was going to invade Pakistan when it was hacked. Expect more comments from The British Army once the culprits have been found.

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