Zack Snyder pitched a Star Wars movie to Lucasfilm before Disney acquisition

The revival of Star Wars back in 2017 was a monumental occasion for fans of the sci-fi series. Brought back to life by Disney under J.J. Abrams, the series has seen a lot of controversial. Before it’s revival, another director was interested in bringing back the franchise: Zack Snyder.

Revealed in an interview with the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Zack Snyder had a plan for Star Wars. According to the director, he approached Lucasfilm after Man of Steel to “take [Star Wars] for a spin".

Zack Snyder had a plan for Star Wars

In the interview, Snyder explained that he wanted to create a Star Wars film inspired by Akira Kurosawa movies. The movie was discussed with Lucasfilm executives, but the pitch was never picked up.

Despite the movie not being accepted by Lucasfilm, Snyder is still creating it. However, the film will be removed from the Star Wars universe. Essentially, it’s a Zack Snyder Star Wars movie in a completely original world. Will it still have lightsabers?

“We talked about it but it never… you know. I’ve been working on it – just away from the Star Wars universe – just on my own, just as a sci-fi thing… It’s still a sci-fi thing, it’s the same story, just kind of now I let Star Wars be Star Wars and I’m just gonna… you know. The eleven-year-old me still wants to make that, now I just know how to – so maybe we’ll see that someday.”

Read More:Zack Snyder’s dream is still to create a Dark Knight Returns adaptation

The director is scared of Star Wars now

Zack Snyder has been at the forefront of critical abuse for a long time. The director has seen a lot of terrible comments regarding his DC work, especially Batman v Superman. However, the director has also had the benefit of an extreme fan campaign to support his work in recent years.

Despite being able to deal with criticism, Snyder has explained that he's terrified of Star Wars. While the director didn't explicitly say why, the online abuse of Rian Johnson and Star Wars cast members is likely one reason. After all, the director was happy to direct a Star Wars project before the new trilogy started.

Read More: J.J. Abrams admits he had no plan for Star Wars, but he knows he should've