Warzone Memory Error 19-1793: How to Fix Memory Error In Call of Duty Modern Warfare/Warzone

Warzone Memory Error 19-1793 is one of several memory errors that afflict Call of Duty. While Activision are yet to list this as a known issue, players have been reporting frequent crashes that occur alongside getting this error code. It's also an error code which seems to crop up in both Modern Warfare and Warzone. Today we'll have a look at why you might be suffering with this, and what steps to take to try to fix it. With our guidance, you'll be back blowing stuff up as soon as possible.

How to fix Warzone Memory Error 19-1793

Because this hasn't been acknowledged yet as a known issue, there is no "official" fix suggested by Activision. But there are definitely steps that you can take, based on fixes which we know work for other memory errors:

  • The most commonly cited solution is a disk cleanup. To do this:
    • Run a complete system disk cleanup the drive (C: drive most typically) containing Call of Duty Modern Warfare or Warzone.
    • Remove all temporary files, caches and Direct X cache files
    • Change the virtual memory back to the C: drive
    • Restart the system once the cleanup is complete.
  • Some other memory errors have also been fixed by disabling HDR, so it's worth giving this a try as well.
  • Reducing your graphics settings is a final adjustment to try. Some users have reported that by having lower resolution but higher frame rate, has been effective in resolving other memory errors.
CoD Warzone DirectX Warzone Memory Error 19-1793
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If none of these solutions work, then it's time to report this by completing the Bug Report Form. If enough players report it, Activision will realise it needs their attention.

Read More: Warzone Error Code Diver: How To Fix Warzone Error Code 6 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone

Why do I get a memory error on Warzone?

It's worth trying to understand why you might be getting a memory error in the first place, in case you can then stop it from happening. We do know that this particular error has been impacting players regardless of the platform. PC, PlayStation and Xbox users have all reported this. It seems to have become more prevalent after the most recent update on Call of Duty. But why?

One possible cause is that the latest update has put additional load on the GPU, and this might be to blame. Which would also explain why some users have found that reducing their demands on the GPU seem to have been effective. We can't state definitively that this is the reason. But it would be consistent with other memory errors that we've seen.


So try our fixes, see if they make a difference. If they don't, reporting the error to Activision is the next best thing to try to make this a distant memory. Hopefully, the bug will be fixed in the near future.

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