Star Wars fans call for Robert Rodriguez’ firing over a dumb, little spin

The Book of Boba Fett is now finished, wrapping up the bounty hunter's new story and setting up The Mandalorian Season 3. While the new Star Wars show finale is almost universally acclaimed, some fans are particularly unhappy.

In fact, this subset of Star Wars fans are so upset with the Boba Fett finale that they're calling for the firing of its director: Robert Rodriguez. But just why are they so miffed at the mini-series’ latest episode?

The Book of Boba Fett spin

The day that the Boba Fett finale released, fans already took to Twitter to complain about the new episode. While most people praised the action-packed hour of entertainment, others took issue with a tiny section of the show.

In a viral Twitter post, one viewer complained about a two-second moment in the hour-long episode. The clip showed a moment in the show where Drash, Skad and Krrsantan are shooting at a Scorpenek annihilator droid.

In the clip, Skad, played by Jordan Bolger, adds a little flourish to his action moment. While Drash and Krrsantan are shooting steadfast, Skad adds a little spin before he starts shooting at the massive droid.

For some, this was a dumb, but wholesome, flourish in an already cheesy set-piece. For others, it was a breaking point, so much so that that they're calling for the episode’s director to never touch the franchise again.

In the viral Twitter post, the fan declared: “Robert Rodriguez should never direct or touch Star Wars again.”

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Star Wars is full of little spins

The controversial Twitter post has been filled with both support and backlash. Many fans are on the side of the Twitter post, agreeing that the little spin should get Rodriguez fired from the franchise. The issue: Star Wars has been full of dumb spins since its inception.

For example, in the original Star Wars movie — now A New Hope — Obi-Wan Kenobi famously spins in his battle against Vader. What tactical advantage does this offer? Should George Lucas have never directed the franchise again?

Some would say that adding additional flourish for no reason is core to the franchise's identify, a layover from the westerns and Saturday morning serials that inspired it. If anything Skad’s spin is just what the franchise is about.