Reva actress Moses Ingram subjected to onslaught of racist abuse for Obi-Wan role

Lucasfilm’s new Obi-Wan Kenobi series is off to a strong start, introducing fans to a strong new threat with Reva. As one of Darth Vader’s Inquisitors, the wrathful Jedi hunter is out for blood.

However, as per usual these days, a certain subset of Star Wars fans have chosen to harass Reva’s actress Moses Ingram. Lucasfilm is not having it. 

Moses Ingram subjected to horrendous abuse

After the launch of Obi-Wan Kenobi last week, toxic Star Wars fans immediately took to harassing actress Moses Ingram. Revealed on her Instagram, Ingram received “hundreds” of messages spouting racial abuse due to her role in the series.

One message told Ingram that her “days are numbered”. Another told the actress that she was “not the first [racial slur] in Star Wars”. Multiple messages claimed that she was just a “diversity hire”, despite the fact that she’s an award winning actress. 

Ingram responded to the hateful messages on her Instagram story, saying:

“Long story short, there are hundreds of those. Hundreds. And I also see those of you out there who put on a cape for me, and that mean the world to me because, you know, there’s nothing anybody can do about this. There’s nothing anybody can do to stop this hate.”

“I even question what my purpose is sitting here in front of you and saying this is happening,” she continued. “I don’t really know. I don’t really know. Um, but I think the thing that bothers me is, like, is sort of this feeling that I have inside myself that I just have to shut up and take it.”

Ingram explained that she’s “not built like that”, and that she will fight back against racist bullies online. She ended the video by thanking everyone who is on her side.

Read More: Star Wars slams fans harassing Kelly Marie Tran at Star Wars Celebration

Star Wars speaks out against bigots

After Ingram revealed the wave of abuse she’s receiving, the official Star Wars Twitter account spoke up against the racists in the fandom. Lucasfilm has always been silent on the abuse actors such as Jake Lloyd, Ahmed Best, Daisy Ridley and Kelly Marie Tran and others have received. However, they’re not staying silent anymore.

In a series of Tweets, the official Star Wars account welcomed Ingram into the family. The announcement read:

“We are proud to welcome Moses Ingram to the Star Wars family and excited for Reva’s story to unfold. If anyone intends to make her feel in any way unwelcome, we have only one thing to say: we resist.”

The account continued to state that “there are more than 20 million sentient species in the Star Wars galaxy, don’t choose to be a racist.”