Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC release dates finally revealed

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The first DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, The Teal Mask, is almost upon us. After months of waiting, Scarlet and Violet’s first DLC finally has a solid release date. However, it’s second DLC, The Indigo Disk, still doesn’t.

Revealed in the latest Pokémon Presents presentation, Game Freak has finally revealed the DLC’s release date on Nintendo Switch. The new DLC will take fans to a new areas outside of the Paldea region to fight new foes.

DLC 1, The Teal Mask, takes players to an all-new open world where they will experience a brand-new story, new Pokémon and deep quests. It’s a true expansion of the base game’s story with its own legendary Pokémon.

Set in the Land of Kitikami, the new open world is a remote, small town-style inspired by rural Japan. Visiting the land, you’ll be tasked with finding new Pokémon, finding mochi and taking photographs, Snap Style!

In the expansion, you’ll meet new Pokémon such as Dipplin, a new evolution of Applin as well as three hero Pokémon. The story revolves around the Festival of Masks, a traditional Japanese festival that will lead you to the game’s legendary creature.

The Indigo Disk is a much different experience. This DLC takes players to a new island that will feature a terrarium filled with Pokémon, as well as introducing new legendary creatures to experience.

As an exchange student of Blueberry Academy, you’ll explore a Savanna Biome, Canyon Biome, Polar Biome and Forest Biome, artificial lands created to house new and returning creatures from previous games.

In this DLC, you’ll fight the BB League, a student-led battling group with its own Elite Four to beat. Of course, there will also be new evolutions of old Pokémon as well as new creatures altogether.

DLC 2 will also let your Kiraidon or Moraidon fly around for short periods. The trailer also teases that this ability may be unlocked for good.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC release date - miraidon flying in the sky
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Both DLCs will combine to reveal the “Hidden Treasure of Area Zero”. You’ll return to the mysterious zone from the base game to find new Paradox Pokémon as well as uncover a still unannounced treasure.

The Teal Mask releases on September 13th 2023, but The Indigo Disk is still scheduled for a Winter release date.

For more Pokémon Presents news, check out the new Detective Pikachu Returns announcements here.