This is what Pokémon Scarlet and Violet would be like with voice acting

pokemon scarlet and violet voice acting a two characters posing in front of a sleeping tyranitar
Credit: The Pokémon Company/Nintendo/Game Freak

pokemon scarlet and violet voice acting a two characters posing in front of a sleeping tyranitar
Credit: The Pokémon Company/Nintendo/Game Freak

Many fans of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet claim the new game has one of the series’ best stories. However, the game’s complete lack of voice acting has resulted in the cinematic experience feeling a bit off. With this is in mind, voice actor and YouTube personality Joe Goffeney put it upon himself to create a version of the game with voice acting.

At the time of writing, no mainline Pokémon game has rsceieved voice acting at all. Currently, the Pokémon anime and a couple of spin-offs are the only aspects of the series with voice acting. In fact, the mainline series even avoids using vocal grunts that would make the games feel more modern.

Joe Goffeney and other actors lent their voices for specific scenes in Scarlet and Violet. Unsurprisingly, having voices for these story scenes adds a ton of appeal and makes these sequences more bearable to go through.

Fans playing through Pokémon Scarlet and Violet know that certain scenes in the story feel a bit off. Characters like Nemona and Arven will have their lips match the dialogue shown on screen but no voices come out. It’s incredibly awkward and one has to wonder why they bothered adding lip flaps.

This isn’t exactly news to Pokémon fans, as games like Sword and Shield had similar scenes where voice acting would have enhanced the experience. Hopefully, Game Freak and The Pokémon Company take these criticisms to heart so we can get a better experience for Gen 10.

Obviously, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet won’t add voice acting anytime soon. However, we hope that some voice work — even Zelda-like grunts — will be included in the next entries.

Read More: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is immeasurably better on an emulator

While we would like to hope for the best, keep in mind that Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are already the fastest-selling Switch exclusives ever. Curious fans can check out both games on Nintendo Switch.