Marvel's Spider-Man 2 story spoilers are making their way online

marvel spider-man-2 spoilers make their way online
Credit: Insomniac Games

marvel spider-man-2 spoilers make their way online
Credit: Insomniac Games

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is coming out in a few weeks, but its already being spoiled by fans or critics who got the game early. While nothing major has been spoiled yet, various plot points have made their way across the worldwide web (get it?) and it’s out of Spidey’s control.

Platinum Trophy hunter Hakoom (via imgur) might not be Kraven, but the gamer is now villainous to some for revealing upcoming plot points from the PlayStation exclusive. Luckily, these spoilers don’t reveal who lives or dies but they still reveal some vital information about the story.

The spoilers seen above are pretty detailed, even if they don’t necessarily spoil anything huge. Knowing that there are returning characters from the first game is nice but it would have been better through a trailer, or, controversially, through simply playing around.

Sony and Insomniac did warn fans that spoilers for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 would make their way to the web sooner or later. Like most video game-related spoilers, it’s easy enough to avoid them as long as fans don’t actively look for these beats. With all that being said, players should still try to avoid certain chat rooms or message boards if they want no spoilers at all.

Based on the trailers we’ve seen thus far, the only thing we know about this sequel is that Harry Osborn is dying and will probably become Venom. Peter also goes through an edgy phase when he’s donning the symbiote costume. Miles is also going through his own angst, as he attempts to get revenge on Mr. Negative.

Non-spoilery gameplay details have been revealed in recent weeks, including optional fall damage and levels of web swinging accessibility. It was also revealed that boss fights will now have health bars, making it easier to see how much damage has been done to these villains.

Read More: Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a bigger sequel that won’t take forever to beat

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is coming to the PlayStation 5 on October 20.