The sequel era has not been abandoned! Despite many believing the post-OT Star Wars timeline to be dead in the water after Rise of Skywalker, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy has confirmed that’s not the case.
With a new wave of Star Wars films coming to cinemas over the next decade, fans will be able to go even further in the franchise’s timeline. But how far does it go?
New Star Wars films are set in the sequel era
During Star Wars Celebration, Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy discussed the in-development Star Wars movies. Until now, many were under the assumption that the new movies would take place during the earlier High Republic era.
Instead, the next trilogy of Star Wars films will be set firmly in the Sequel Era. Kennedy explained that the movies will be going forward, taking place after The Rise of Skywalker. With this in mind, maybe Palpatine won’t be the villain again!
“We’re moving further beyond the existing sequels as we look to our movie space,” Kennedy told Empire. [The sequel era] is what we talk a lot about in terms of where we’re going with our movies, and just how far out from that we’ll go. That’s very much the space we’re concentrating on.”
With the sequel trilogy being mostly ignored after the release of Rise of Skywalker, it will be nice to see more content in that space. After the Rise of Skywalker, there’s a lot of room to play around with.
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Will Rey be in Star Wars: Episode 10?
Since the sequel era is being expanded upon in upcoming movies, will any established sequel characters sequel? It is a possibility considering how integral those characters were, but pricey contracts could cull Disney’s enthusiasm.
However, considering most of the original trilogy characters are now dead, the sequel cast is the closest point of relation to being in major characters. On the other hand, the Star Wars franchise could finally get away from telling stories about the same families.
The next Star Wars film to release will be Taika Wattiti’s mystery film, presumably followed by Rogue Squadron or Kevin Feige’s film. Lucasfilm does still want The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson to helm a trilogy, but he’s currently busy with Knives Out 2 and 3.