Impressive Obi-Wan Kenobi Mos Eisley set revealed in Tiktok leak

Out of all of the locations we expect to see in Disney's upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi show, Mos Eisley is at the top of the list. Originally included in A New Hope, the location is an iconic part of the Star Wars mythos.

There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan would visit Mos Eisley. However, it's still amazing to see the classic location revived for the show. Thankfully, due to an impressive Tiktok leak, we can see that revised location right now.

Obi-Wan Kenobi revisits Mos Eisley

Leaked by Tiktok user AyalaTVJr, we now have a great look at the new version of Mos Eisley. Recreated for Disney's upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi show, the location is an incredibly detailed version of the original.

We've already seen the location pop up in the first season of The Mandalorian where the bar was manned by a droid. However, Obi-Wan will take us back to the time before the Empire fell. As such, the iconic Star Wars locale should once again be lively and, of course, have its no droid policy.

In the short clip, not much is shown of the beloved locales. In fact, it's just as we remember it, huge stone slabs and big red doors. Of course, there’s also a healthy dosage of scrap around to truly sell the location’s untidy nature.

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Other locations in Obi-Wan Kenobi

Disney hasn't revealed many of the locations that we'll be visiting in the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi show. However, we do know that Hayden Christensen will be returning to the role of Darth Vader. As such, it's very possible that we'll end up seeing Mustafar make an appearance – Vader's fortress.

Obi-Wan will likely be spending quite a bit of time on the planet of Tatooine, at least for the premiere. As such, we should be able to see some key locations of the dessert planet. Will Obi-Wan meet up with Jabba the Hutt? Will we see the Skywalker ranch? What of the Sarlack pit? It's all possible.

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