How to install GTA V mods on Steam Deck

How to install GTA V mods on Steam Deck

How to install GTA V mods on Steam Deck

Want to install GTA V mods on your Steam Deck? We can help!

GTA V mods are a great way to add new content to the game and make it even more fun. They can be anything from a new character, weapon or vehicle, to a new map, or even something as small as a graphical mod that makes the game look better.

However, installing mods on Steam Deck is not easy as installing mods on a PC. There are a lot of complex steps involved when you want to download and install GTA V mods for Steam Deck.

Worry not! We will guide you through the entire process of installing GTA V mods on Steam Deck.

How to install GTA V mods on Steam Deck

The online gaming community has come up with lots of mods to make GTA V more interesting and enhance the experience. But, many users find the GTA V modding process to be quite daunting.

Well, fret no more because we are here to help. These steps will show you how to install GTA V mods on Steam Deck and make your GTA V gameplay more fun.

  • Download ScriptHookV by Alexander Blade from
  • Unzip the file and inside the Bin folder, there should be 3 separate files. Delete nativetrainer.asi and move the other 2 folders to the GTAV folder inside your steamapps folder.
  • Then download Menyoo or whichever trainer mod you like to use (we recommend Enhanced Native trainer) and drag and drop the folders into the steamapps folder again, i.e. where the GTA5 executable file is located.

We are almost done. The last step is to modify the launch option for GTA5 with a special script, which we will discuss in the next section. Keep reading!

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How to add GTA V mods on Steam Deck

Before you run GTA V, write the following command line in the game's launch options: WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8.dll=n,b" %command%

If your game is installed on an SD card, write STEAM_COMPAT_MOUNTS=/run/media/mmcblk0p1 WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command% instead.

As long as you have the script we mentioned above in the launch options and all the files in the correct folder the mod menu will work!

Before you leave, have a look at the best GTA V settings for Steam Deck.