If you’re looking to get by in the wilds of Lamang, then you’ll need a comprehensive knowledge of the full Gray Zone Warfare weapons list. After all, not every gun is made equally in GZW and, with very limited bag space, you won’t have room to bring back every weapon you find, so it’s a smart idea to know what to keep an eye out for.
To get powerful new guns, you’re going to want to explore the Gray Zone Warfare map thoroughly and complete Tasks. So, whether you prefer assault rifles, shotguns, or marksman rifles, here are all the Gray Zone Warfare weapons that you can find while exploring Lamang right now.

Gray Zone Warfare Weapons List
There are currently 18 weapons in Gray Zone Warfare that we’ve found so far, directly inspired by their real-life counterparts. These guns range from pistols and melee weapons all the way to assault rifles, shotguns, and marksman rifles, and can be found from looting, completing Tasks, or purchasing them.
Assault rifles
- AK-74M
- AK-74N
- M4A1
- MK18
- CQ A1
- M870
- Mossberg 590
Marksman rifles
- Mosin (S)
- M700
- Type 51
- Glock 17
- Vz61
- Ka-Bar
Since Gray Zone Warfare is still in Early Access, it’s likely that additional weapons will be added in the future, and even new gun categories. For example, it’s surprising that there aren’t any light machine guns, as these would be perfect for suppressing enemies.
Nevertheless, what makes this weapon list feel small right now is that several weapons are more or less duplicates. You'll notice there are six variants of AKs and three M16 variants. While each has slightly different handling and requires different ammo types, they often feel very similar to use.

Thankfully, there are 10 datamined weapons that are expected to be added to the Gray Zone Warfare weapons list:
- CZ Bren 2 (556)
- CZ Bren 2 (762)
- CZ Bren 2MS (556)
- CZ Bren 2MS (762)
- M1A
- MP5
- MP7A1
- MP7A2
These will help pad out the weapon selection with some more variety, especially as we'll be getting our first SMGs in Gray Zone Warfare. I'm still holding out for an LMG and a true sniper though...

How to Customize Your Weapon in Gray Zone Warfare
To customize your weapon in Gray Zone Warfare, open your inventory, select your gun, and then inspect it. This will open the weapon attachment menu where you can add and remove parts to customize your weapon by simply dragging and dropping them into place.
You can customize your weapon with attachments like barrels, grips, suppressors, stocks, magazines, and optics. If you're looking to improve your weapon without spending the big bucks on a brand-new gun, attachments are the way to go. I recommend getting a clear optic, a rail, and a grip right away once you've found the weapon you like the most.
Keep in mind that not all weapons will accept attachments and attachments aren't universal. So, before you buy a new part, take note of what weapons it can be used on and make sure you've got that in your arsenal. You can check what's compatible by selecting an attachment in your inventory. If your weapon accepts it, the gun will be highlighted in your menu.
In terms of how to get attachments to customize your weapon in Gray Zone, you're generally going to have to purchase them from Gunny - which is surprisingly expensive. Thankfully, you can also find attachments in better loot areas towards the center of the map and can be rewarded parts for completing Tasks.

How to Get Better Weapons in Gray Zone Warfare
The best loot is often hiding behind locked doors in highly contested areas, so getting your hands on some of these weapons can be a time-consuming challenge - though that’s half of the fun of Gray Zone in my experience. However, there are ways to get these weapons without doing the legwork or via more direct means. For example, I killed a player and looted an SKS from their body - we’ll ignore the fact that it was a mistaken friendly fire. Nevertheless, it's been a nice upgrade from the standard M4A1 when it comes to range.
If you’re trying to build out your collection of weapons in Gray Zone Warfare, you can loot other players, complete Tasks, and purchase guns from the aptly named Gunny vendor. To buy weapons from Gunny, all you have to do is open up your inventory in your faction base camp and head to the vendor tab.
You can also purchase attachments at Gunny to improve your weapons, such as sights, grips, and magazines. So, even if you have a rather standard weapon like the M4A1 or the AKM, you can upgrade it if you have the money to spare.

Keep in mind that each weapon needs the correct ammo to be fired. Using the M4A1? Make sure you’ve got some AR15 ammo on you. This is especially important if you’re looting weapons on a run, as you’ll need to remember to pick up the correct ammo too. The last thing you want to do is equip a new weapon and head out on a run, only to realize that you don’t have the right ammo. That’s a surefire way to get killed and lose your loot.
So there you have it, all the Gray Zone Warfare weapons that we’ve discovered and used so far when scavenging Lamang. Keep in mind that, due to the Gray Zone Warfare wipe system, you won’t be able to stockpile all the best weapons forever. Every few months, the developer will reset the servers and you’ll be forced to say goodbye to your loot.