How to Improve FPS in Gray Zone Warfare

Gray Zone Warfare player pointing gun at nearby enemy
Credit: MADFINGER Studios

Gray Zone Warfare player pointing gun at nearby enemy
Credit: MADFINGER Studios

Knowing how to improve FPS in Gray Zone Warfare is essential in order to guarantee the game runs smoothly.

Gray Zone Warfare is the latest extraction shooter to release and as players drop into the action during the early access period, many are noticing frustrating stutters and drops in frame rate hindering their time looting and shooting their way around the huge map.

In this guide, find out how to improve FPS in Gray Zone Warfare and how to get the best performance possible.

How to Improve FPS in Gray Zone Warfare

Thanks to the game's extensive list of graphics settings, we've spent time adjusting all kinds of options in a bid to reduce stuttering and increase frame rate.

After some testing, I discovered activating the FSR anti-aliasing/upscaling option increased my FPS count by at least 30 which prevented stuttering when entering the larger points of interest during highly populated PvE servers.

Gray Zone Warfare player carrying gun with teammates and helicopter in background
expand image
Credit: MADFINGER Studios

Lower Graphics Setting

Although you may want to appreciate the gorgeous scenery Gray Zone Warfare has to offer, the game is intensive for the GPU and CPU resulting in sluggish performance. I lowered the quality presets to Low and had a noticeable difference in performance which made all the difference when attempting to land a shot onto a target from afar.

You can go into further detail when it comes to optimizing Gray Zone Warfare's graphics. Altering the shadow quality and texture resolutions along with the rest of the options will ensure high performance is maintained.

Wait for Updates

As Gray Zone Warfare is in early access, MADFINGER Studios is constantly applying updates. Performance issues are expected with an early access release so it might be worth waiting until the stuttering is ironed out before loading into the action.

A PC Upgrade

As a last resort, it might be time to upgrade your PC in order to run Gray Zone Warfare with decent quality and frame rate. Before this, make sure your PC meets the system requirements to see if an upgrade is necessary.

That's all there is to know about how to improve FPS in Gray Zone Warfare. For more, check out our other guides revealing how to use voice chat and how to level up as fast as possible.